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Posts posted by blinky

  1. I'm female, 43 y/o, and married with one grown son. My interests are music, mostly classic rock Led Zeppelin, Traffic, Cream, etc. but like newer stuff as well. I like to read also, but caring for my elderly father doesnt leave much time for that lately. Also all things paranormal. I'm glad to have found this site! I really don't consider myself any one religion, although I have a certain fondness for Wicca and the Goddess. I was raised in Protestant denominations, mostly Church of Christ (not UCC), and vaguely remember as a small tot being taken to an Alliance Church, never heard of one since, though. I live in Mobile, Alabama, and as far as I can tell the churches here are decidedly NOT progressive. I am new to this site, having just joined today, and guess I want to give Christianity one last try, so to speak.

  2. Hi, I'm new here and I've really enjoyed reading this message board. I had all but given up on Christianity as it has got way too rigid for me. (Also had a very unfortunate dose of fundamentalism at a Christian school as a young teen.) I just wanted to share a quote I heard sometime back (cant remember where it came from) but it seems to apply here. "Some people are so afraid of going to Hell when they die, they create a Hell on earth while they live."

    I have fundie relatives that are the very embodiment of that quote.

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