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Posts posted by quest4piece

  1. I feel that you have fear. I think you might be thinking, "When I die, am I going to Heaven or Hell?" If so, the question is full of assumptions like "Do my good deeds outweigh my bad?" By what you said, roughly, that you said a prayer and had a spiritual experience, that Christianity would say, "Yes, you're on your way to heaven!" Second, with the idea that God is Love and desires "none to perish", I can conclude that you and God want the same thing, in this view. In conclusion, with these 2 ways to look at it, you don't have to worry. Honestly, worrying is the problem, I personally believe that we can all agree the worry won't solve anything, I also think God wants us to connect with Him/Her/Etc. I hope you can find peace in some of this, and extend that peace in whomever you truly believe God to be.

  2. Hi, my personal story consists of trauma from a system of thinking, I'd rather not go into too much detail. I'm questioning my belief in Satan as I was presented in traditional Christianity. How does one mesh the, error proned, paranoia filled presentation of the world that evangelical Christianity promotes with real trauma and abuse from systems of people? I do still believe in spirits, but to say 99% of the world serves a dark demented spirit seems way too extreme, yet darkness is in the world too? How can I reconcile Hope and Darkness without paranoia?

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