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Posts posted by GraceInTheRain

  1. Despite not feeling as if I have anything 'worthy' (perhaps more correctly, I don't have anything to add without the threat of redundancy of what has already been said so well by others),

    I WOULD like to thank you for the discussion.

    As odd as it may seem, your voices are eerily close to what exists in my own mind, and _has_ for a very long time.

    Thank you for helping me detach from the overwhelming feeling of being "alone" in my thoughts . According to the way I was raised, I either believed what "they" told me, or I was going to hell.

    Thank you for being a light in my darkness.

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  2. So nice to log in and see these warm welcomes !!


    Spending some time yesterday reading through the conversations, it's ......refreshing and heartening to see such similarity in the way others think...the discussions between members could be straight out of the conversations in my head, LOL!!


    I'm reluctant to spend too much time writing what I think/feel/question, as it would just seem so redundant of all the other posts---------but it IS good to see I am not alone.


  3. Greetings to You All.....!

    ........My name is Grace and I live in Eastern Nebraska---kids off to college, snow on the ground and bird feeders heavy with feathered friends!


    Being raised Hell-Fire-Brimstone Baptist, I gradually floated away from the church around the same time I started to ask questions that were met with church leaders telling me that I was being led by the devil and I shoudl pray for more faith.

    I left the church in my mid-teens and never went back. I didnt' feel as if I turned my back on religion , but more of I just stopped believing in the fairy tales that seemed to keep all the christians fighting amongst themselves.


    Eventually I came to identify as : Unitarian Universalist , Agnostic, Jesus Lover, Dali Lama Follower and Lover of All Things Science.



    Now, it seems there has been ....................this calling. This odd little "knock knock knocking' on the door of my soul that I really dont' understand. Perhaps turning 50............perhaps a deeply held belief that I MAY REALLY being going to hell after all.

    Perhaps I just see my life becoming more and more isolated ( I live in a rural area) and I long to have a deeper connection to something.


    I have WRESTLED with this newfound 'interest'........after all, I have secretely smirked at any followers of organized religion as 'simple' at worst, or oblivioius, at best.


    But then one day, I googled "Unitarian Christians' and found an entire "world" of Progressive Christians who ask the same questions I started asking in 6th grade....

    who don't act the same way the fundamentalists do.

    Who seem to really want to live the words in red.


    So...............after reading Pateos Christianity, following blogs, etc., I found this site and am thrilled to find a forum in which to interact with others. !



    I've rattled on enough. It's Christmas Day and Today Is a New Beginnning!


    Looking forward to talking with you!



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