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Kenneth Riviere

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Posts posted by Kenneth Riviere

  1. Some books I've read and enjoyed.


    The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg. I found this very helpful. I especially liked his explanation of different types of faith.


    Saving Jesus from the Church by Robin Meyers. Strong condemnation of the church's tendency to focus on beliefs in specific doctrines as opposed to taking actions as taught by Jesus.


    The Powers that Be by Walter Wink. Very interesting call for non-violence in the world. I especially liked his new explanation of how the "turn the other cheek" lesson is subversive rather than submissive.




  2. I'm not sure I would be willing to classify whole denominations as PC. I'm aware of progressive-leaning PCUSA, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Episcopal, and other congregations, but there are also very conservative congregations within those denominations. I think you might just have to visit as has been suggested in order to assess each congregation's views (unless you can find someone familiar with local congregations who might be able to make some suggestions).


    I've heard some complaints about PC supporters that we are trying to start a new Progressive denomination rather than reforming the existing denominations. I'm not sure that would be a bad thing, but since I see religion in general as being a human creation as we try to find a connection with the divine and each other, I think there will always be different denominations so that people can find polity and worship styles that suit their tastes.




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