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Posts posted by Jake

  1. I also like the comments on John 14. I think it gets used as an evangelical battering ram too often, and not taken in context. In John 13:33 Jesus begins explaining to his disciples that he will be leaving them soon, and the path they are to follow once he is gone. Many of the references from these chapters of John have ben used to bolster obedience to church doctrine under penalty of Hell. If taken in historical context, and viewed as Jesus' words to 12 disciples, at a specific time in history, we can easily see the references to "my Father's House" as a reference to the temple. Jesus, in the same chapter, had just run the money changers out of the temple. That same temple was destroyed by Rome in response to a Zealot uprising in 70AD. In it's place a new house, in the body of Christ, would be formed.

    I veiw this historical perspective, and Jesus' words to his followers to reflective of the unity of man after the destruction of the old exclusionary ways of the Jews in that era. He was inviting mankind into a new understanding of brotherhood, through his example, rather than an invitation to a new exlusive, and exclusionary club. Just my thoughts on the usual mis-application of scripture, and an alternate understanding.

    Interesting that John 14 is the verse often quoted in defense of "born again" Christianity as the only way, rather than John 1:9, or 3:17, or12:32, or 21:22, or Romans 2:1-29 which all emphasize that God shows no partiality, that other's views should not matter, if we follow Jesus, or Romans 15, when Paul says that "God has imprisoned all in disobedience so that he may be merciful to all." I don't know about anyone else, but I believe God's mercy is great enough to encompass all, not just those of us who have been baptised and said the magic words.


    Sorry. lecturing and monologuing again.

  2. Just finished Abraham's Curse, the Roots of Violence in Judaism, CHristianity, and Islam, by Bruce Chilton. Currently reading Gospel Truth, by Russell Shorto, on the search for the historic Jesus. My friend, Brother Robert, a Carmelite Friar, told me about Practicing the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence (available online for free), and it has altered how I view my day to day life. Bro. Robert also sent me Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, by Cynthia Bourgeault.

    I would recommend Reinhold Niebuhr's The Irony of American History, and Andrew Bacevich's The Limits of Power, The End of American Exceptionalism as must read books for any thinking American.

    Peter Rollins is a young Irish author, theologian, and philosopher. His books, Faith Beyond Belief, The Fidelity of Betrayal, and The Orthodox Heretic, have all been mind expanding for me.

    Other must reads include anything by Bishop John Shelby Spong, A Generous Orthodoxy, by Brian McLaren, and Leslie Weatherhead's, Christian Agnostic. I also read the Bible daily, and frequently use gnostic writings for contemplative thought. Some of the best teachings of Jesus appear in the Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Philip, and The Gospel of Truth.

    For fiction, I read a lot of mystery/detective stuff by James Lee Burke, and everything by Chuck Palahnuik (Fight Club and many others)

  3. I have been working my way through a study of the 8 points, specifically how I feel about them, what my thoughts and interpretations of each may be. I was trying to get through one a day, however, I will have to take a pass on Point 3 today. I have a day of appointments at the VA medical center. Hopefully nothing serious, some lab work done this morning. Taking a break for some lunch (since i have been fasting since yesterday). I have the mental health appointment later, then a consult with my primary. It is strange for me after 13 years of avoidance, to be back in the system with the VA again, but I guess it is better than no health care.


    Looking forward to getting back to my 8 Point study. Next topic, Point 3, the Eucharist. This one will require a bit of contemplation.

  4. I have not been online in a few weeks. My father went in to the hospital on August 24 with pneumonia and bleeding gums. He died on September 2 from bone marrow cancer and other complications. It has been a very difficult few weeks. I will post concerning the spiritual journey that I have been on through this experience, and on being present for my father's transcendance, but that will have to wait until I have a little more free time. I look forward to catching up on the discussion I have missed lately. Until then, may God bless your day.

  5. Sitting at Midway Marina on Lake Norman, NC, waiting for boat parts so I can have a productive day. It is an exercise in patience. So, to pass the time, I reconfigured the browser on the blackberry to allow the use of online forums. Useful, but not particularly productive»or the shop. Hope my parts get here soon. Meanwhile, I think I will enjoy the daily lectionary readings from Rev. Steve.

  6. First day back in North Carolina after two weeks of sailing on Lake Michigan. I just spent 8 days on a 23" sailboat with my wife, an Episcopal priest, and a teacher from the Episcopal seminary in Chicago. We entered in The Hook Race, 190 miles from Racine, WI to Menominee, MI. There was no wind, and we did more bobbing around than sailing, but the conversation and fellowship I enjoyed were of the stuff that cannot be bought. It's good to be back, but I already miss the open water, and discussions will keep me up at night, reflecting on the nature of God, for days to come.

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