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Posts posted by michele

  1. I have put together a new flyer that list the top 100 reasons NOT to

    vote for GW Bush.


    I've also been passing out a flier that points out Bush's actions


    have harmed our schools, environment; abused our seniors and

    minority communities (i.e., racially, nationally and sexually

    oriented). It's geared for those who voted for Bush in 2000, but

    are unsure they want to vote for him again.


    If you would like a copy, just email me. So far, I've distributed

    approximately 11,000 in my community. It's now been distributed in

    800+ cities in the US and 11 foreign countries with American voters

    (including military bases). To see which cities in your area it's

    been distributed, go to our website!


    Let's get this information out!!!


    Michele Parillo

    Angry American







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