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Posts posted by Jutan

  1. Well Des, you were right. I did come here to change people's minds. I thought I could out argue anyone etc. etc. I can't do it though. We are simply not operating on the same understanding of God and the Bible. So I'm going to finish with a couple thoughts. Do with them what you wish.


    I find your belief bizarre. You want to take certain aspects of God's character and not others. You want to pick and choose things to believe so that they fit what you think life should be. You believe that God loves everyone so therefore He shouldn't punish people eternally. We're all human, so hey! We can do whatever we want and that's okay. But wait. We can't. I get both responses, but no real coherence.


    I think the point that we fundamentally disagree on is you think this life is about you. It's about your needs, your beliefs, your world, your morality, your god, how you treat peopel, how people treat you. It's not about you. Practically, you're only somewhat important to a tiny fraction of the world's population and can only hope to affect a tiny fraction. This creation is about God. That doesn't mean to say God doesn't love us and care for us even though we are so insignificant. If you want to find the real God you have to look outside yourself and your opinions. If you seek truth, you will find God. If you seek believes that make you feel better about yourself and satisfy your perceived needs, you will find some god I suppose. I challenge you to humble yourself before your creator and ask Him for truth. You don't have to. It's not going to affect my life. But if you feel not right about your life and this world, go seek your Father for if you seek with sincerity you will find.


    I've suffered for years with addiction. It was only through my "archaic" believes that I found a freedom and peace. It's such a pity I got it all wrong.

  2. Des, you are a child. I don't mean that in a demening way, I mean it seriously. We are all children of God. If we think that the 'be all and end all' is with us, then yes, God doesn't really make sense. But what happens if we aren't at the top. What happens if there is something above us?


    The best analogy is the one God uses Himself. God is our father and we are His children. True, it is different from a human relationship between parent and child, but the basis still stands.


    Does a parent let his/her child do whatever they want? No. Does a parent set down a bunch of rules for the child's own good? Yes. Then, does a parent punish his/her child? Yes. Does the child often think that the rules are unfair? Of course! Why? Because they child only thinks of themself or their own happiness.


    Does God send people to hell? Yes. Does he enjoy it? No. Just as a parent doesn't (or shouldn't) enjoy punishing their children. Do we have a choice in the matter? Yes. You describe God as if He should let us do whatever we want. As if He is cruel and inhumane for punishing us. You get to decide whether you obey or not. You also suggest that perhaps God is impotent because people go to hell. God gave us free choice. And He won't override that free choice. So, no, He isn't going to force us to do anything.


    You talk of personal belief as if you are entitled to believe whatever you want and no one can tell you otherwise. Well, we're all stuck with each other, so our "personal" believes affect people other than ourselves. If are all to get along, there has to be some sort of standard. Without that, there is only anarchy. God is that standard. You can't get mad at the justice system for punishing you for killing someone just because you thought they had it coming. It's your personal belief the person had it coming, but it's irrelevant. There is more to life and morality than just one person.

  3. Dear Jim,


    Forgive my ignorance, but if Jesus didn't die for our sins, then how do we receive forgiveness?


    The way I see it is this:

    -God is holy. This means He is perfect in every way and pure with no evil even being admitted into His presence

    -we constantly fall short of God's will. This is called sinning. Sinning is just like a crime, except against God. And as with any crime, there has to be a punishment.

    -But God, in His mercy, wanted to free us from that punishment we deserve

    -So He sent His son to die for us and take the punishment

    -that is why only through Jesus is their forgiveness of sins


    This is not a pleasant thought. Someone suffereing a brutal and agonizing death. But Jesus was fully aware of His purpose on earth and chose to die for us, because He knew the result. God the Father also didn't relish in His son's death. It was with a heavy heart that He sent Jesus. Finally, the death of Jesus wasn't the end of it all. The most important part of His death was His resurrection. He conquered death so that we might conquer death through Him.


    So in your opinion, how do we receive forgiveness of sins? And on a side note: do you believe that Jesus was the Son of God, both man and divine?


    I hope you take the time to answer and educate me!

  4. Dear Kiat,


    Your opinion is well deserved. Many atrocities have been committed in the name of Christ. I'm not going to pretend otherwise.


    But you can't judge a system by those who cause harm in its name. If you did, nothing that exists today would be worthwhile. People abuse not just Christianity, but other beliefs such as democracy. Just because democracy has had terrible things happen in its name doesn't mean we should stop democracy does it?


    I also want to point out that Jesus taught love. He said He came to fulfill the law of God and He did so by saying love God, then love others. If a person claims they are Christian and does not love, they are not properly following Christianity.

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