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Author, Artist, Speaker Focusing on Union, Reunion, and Communion with The Divine

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Hello. I am a new member. So pleased to find this site. I am an author, artist, and speaker focusing on union, reunion, and communion with The Divine. (LinkToRandy.con) I've just released my sixth book on Amazon, "Change Begins Here: Adopt the Mind of Christ and Build a Better World." 

A workshop within a book, this book shows people of faith how to become architects, ambassadors, and workers for a new age of unity, sustainability, peace, and love by embracing Christ Consciousness through longing, presence and loving. I hope you'll check it out. 


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Welcome Randy,

Read a bit of your "Change Begins Here: Adopt the Mind of Christ and Build a Better World".  Excellent, easy to read and follow. Thank you for all you do to contribute to Unity utilizing Books and Art and personal change.



Welcome to the Forum, Randy.

I hope you enjoy participating in current threads here and also enjoy the wealth of information contained in past conversation threads.



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