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11/11/05 >


Subject and object from the start

Are no different,

The myriad things nothing

But images in the mirror.

Bright and resplendent,

Transcending both guest and host,

Complete and realized,

All is permeated by the absolute.

A single form encompasses

The multitude of dharmas,

All of which are interconnected

Within the net of Indra.

Layer after layer there is no

Point at which it all ends,

Whether in motion or still,

All is fully interpenetrating.


- Zhitong (d.1124)




I usually download dailyzen for myself and sometimes share its wisdom with others. I really like today's.


I have come to really appreciate the eastern approach to analyzing the things of this life. Dharma has always been a favorite concept of mine. It's meaning is really quite simple and apropos' to the clip you posted in the exchange between wise person #1 and wise person #2.


When you protect order it protects. When you destroy order it destroys. This theme is universally prevalent in the new sciences concerning complex systems, and should be a touchstone for all of us in our daily lives.


However, change from the old to the new is possible and inevitable, but it must be transparent, gradual, and slowly done in small steps in order to harmonize with the universal principle of dharma.





I have come to really appreciate the eastern approach to analyzing the things of this life. Dharma has always been a favorite concept of mine. It's meaning is really quite simple and apropos' to the clip you posted in the exchange between wise person #1 and wise person #2.


When you protect order it protects. When you destroy order it destroys. This theme is universally prevalent in the new sciences concerning complex systems, and should be a touchstone for all of us in our daily lives.


However, change from the old to the new is possible and inevitable, but it must be transparent, gradual, and slowly done in small steps in order to harmonize with the universal principle of dharma.








A great short flick on the web I just got > http://lightmovie.com/ It was sent to me by Wayne who has a great spiritual website > http://www.thefourprecepts.com/propublish/


I am going to memorize those 4 precepts right now!

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