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Personal Message from Deshna at ProgressiveChristianity.org

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Hello Dear Friends and Colleagues,

This is a personal request for your support. I will keep this short and simple.

For the last 10 years I have been the Creative Project Director for a very special project: A Joyful Path Children’s Curriculum, for ages 6-11. 

It has been the most meaningful work I have done in my life. 

In all my years being involved in the progressive Christian field (since I was just a wee lass) I have not come across a resource that has the potential for such a positive impact on Christianity, families, churches, and yes, the world. 

A Joyful Path teaches children to be radically inclusive, to find their inner joy and their inner wisdom, to follow a spiritual path that leads to true happiness and compassion for others, and most importantly to think for themselves. It teaches children to have the courage to ask the difficult scary questions and to look within for the answers. A Joyful Path teaches children to have a deep respect for other religions and paths, while offering the tools and guidance to go out into the world and make a positive impact - on the environment, their communities, and on social justice. 

My personal request of you is two fold: 

1. Please view this GoFundMe Campaign, watch my video and DONATE. 

(Every little bit helps! And your donation keeps the momentum going!)

2. Please share this campaign with anyone who you think is passionate about nourishing children spiritually in today’s world.


We need $40,000 to complete this project. We’ve raised $3,280.00 so far. 

We have completed Year 1 and Year 2 and are midway to completing Year 3. We have received overwhelming positive feedback from Year 1 and 2 with teachers saying the curriculum is just as meaningful for them as it is for the students. 

I know these are challenging times and for some feel financially unstable. Our organization is also facing financial insecurity. That is why this campaign is so important to us. It is directly tied to our mission.

If you have the means, please take a moment to view the campaign and consider, what would happen if children around the globe were taught to be spiritual heroes and heroines, who honor diversity, our planet, and themselves? Who are emotionally intelligent, passionate, hard working, connected to nature and who seek to find the Divine in All? Their families would grow spiritually, their friends would be impacted and the world would change. 

Thank you for considering! I am attaching our sample book of Year 1, so you can get a feel for this meaningful curriculum.

With huge love and gratitude,

PS I am one of two lead authors for our final year for this age group, Year 3. In Year 3 we dive into the theme: ALL LIFE IS SACRED, drawing upon the idea that a deep spiritual connection to Mother Earth provides a meaningful and life enhancing path toward wellness and wholeness. Year 3 is looking directly to Earth for the lessons She readily provides. As Jesus reminded us repeatedly, through parable and metaphor, nature and the life happening all around us continually teaches us what we are here to see and know in this life. In Year 3, we use activities, ceremonies, ritual, art, song and movement to teach children about the golden thread of Mysticism from an interfaith and inter spiritual perspective, as well as drawing heavily upon Indigenous Wisdom.

MORE INFO OR TO ORDER: https://www.joyfulpathcurriculum.com

Rev. Deshna Charron Shine, Interfaith Minister & Chaplain
Executive Director:
 & ProgressingSpirit.com
Executive Producer: EmbraceFestival.com

Author, Speaker, Ritualist, Weddings, Ceremonies, Spiritual Care  
Cell: 503-422-0037

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