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New Global Moderator Appointed

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I am pleased to announce the appointment of PaulS as a global moderator for this forum. Paul has been with us since August 2011 as an active participating member and current site supporter. As many others here, he came out from an emotionally painful fundamentalist background whose doctrine and dogma he could no longer accept and has continued his personal journey of exploration among us.


Paul understands the importance of respectful conversation to our PC community and encouragement to others who have had similar past experiences to find their own way in meaningful discussions among us. He is willing to share some of his time and talents in the day to gay management of this site as he fulfill the responsibilities of a moderator and member of the forum operating team in line with our mission. While we are all human and occasionally subject to push the boundaries of respectful conversation and etiquette, i ask all to cooperate with Paul's instructions in the administration of his duties.


JosephM (as Administrator)


With my recent input into some discussions concerning homosexuality, it's perhaps not far from the truth to say I am prepared to share some of my time in the "day to gay" management of this site, Joseph :)


Thankyou for the opportunity to contribute to the success of this forum - success being measured by the meangingful and respectful dialogue we can all enjoy here on our own individual journeys of discovery.


I hope I do things right and I encourage all and sundry to PM me with any constructive criticism concerning how I fulfil my duties, at any time.





Sorry Paul.


Typo error on my part and also poor proof reading. Should have read "day to day management of this site". No pun was intended.



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