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Why Would Anyone Leave Here? Well ...

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I've been here a long time. I've noticed that the evolution of this board has become very conservatitve. It makes me quite uncomfortable.


I don't always agree with everything someone says here but I fail to see how this site has become conservative. Are we demanding all forum members to subscribe to biblical inerrancy? Are we preaching hellfire and brimstone? Are we trying to force our beliefs on everyone else? What part of the forum is conservative?


Conservative? I know there's been a lot of back-and-forth lately on a few topics, but I haven't really seen anything that stands out as "Think ____ or you're wrong." I too would like to know what you mean by "conservative." Personally I've found this place to be quite open-minded. There have been times where I've been irritated by things other people have said, but the fact is this is a place where debates/disagreements are welcome, as long as they are respectful and not rude. I'm sorry to hear that you're having a different experience.




We do have more female voices than usual. (Females don't equal conservative; it is another reference) I thought that would be a good thing. I have enjoyed this time with you. I hope that in the future you will rejoin us again.




Myron, I hope you will reconsider any decision to leave. If not, I hope you will not stay away too long.




Myron, I personally would find your departure greatly disappointing. From my perspective, many of the threads are far to "churchy" for my tastes, but I genuinely like the folks in this forum. You included!




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