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Ritch, New Kid On The Block


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My name is Richard but since my son goes by Rich I got creative and added the "extra "t". I'm R/C from birth but ten or so years ago I got inquisitive, got hooked up with Bishop Spong who was thinking along the same line and began my search. I think labels are one of the destructive elements in religion. Preumably we're all looking for the same thing..."truth ". I think we're on the right track once we start ridding ourselves of labels and get comfortable with our personal beliefs. Look forward to joining in.

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Welcome Ritch,


I certainly share some of your feelings on labels. Its kind of like fire... as someone once said.... it can be a good servant but often makes a fearful master. I haven't yet found a label that is complex enough in vowels and consonants to describe a person. :)



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Welcome Ritch,


Labels might be useful if they also came with a comprehensive list of ingredients (views, understandings, perception, cultural experience, etc) :)


Alas that takes all too much time so many prefer the easy option of putting people in one nice box!


I hope you enjoy the forum.




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