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John Shelby Spong's Weekly Q N A


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I'm new here and do not understand where to go with my question. I'll try this avenue.


I've been a follower of Bishop Spong for quite some time. I've read several of his books and have heard him speak three times. I've been receiving his weekly Questions and Answers for years. I have not received them for a couple of weeks now; perhaps since this big change over to this website. I'm am asking to be kept on the "mailing list" via email each week. How do I become a subscriber now of his Essays without having to give out my credit card numbers, etc. Is there a post office address for this purpose?


Thank you for your help and for bringing the Spong Message Boards to us! I have learned so much from the people who've posted over the years. They have become my "church" since I'm now a "recovering Catholic".


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