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Reality And A God Of Love?

Guest billmc

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This topic concerns a question that I've been mulling over in my own heart and mind and I'd enjoy and appreciate hearing the viewpoints of others on this topic. First, a bit of personal context: I believe that God, such as I experience God, is love. By this, I mean that God seeks my best - that I experience as fully as possible life, compassion, and being all I can be. And I also believe that God desires this for everyone. Nevertheless, the cold, hard fact of reality is that our universe and our own lives are marked by death, the cessation of life. Stars are born. Stars die. So do we. I have a hope of an "afterlife," but I don't think that such was Jesus' central message or the point of the earliest Christianity.


So here is my question: If you believe that God is, in some sense, love, what do you make of the life and death cycles of reality? Are they part of a loving God's plan? Is it death that gives life its meaning and purpose? If God's loving desire is that we experience life, and life abundant, then how does death fit into that paradigm?



I apologize in advance for the length of this answer. This is also something I have thought about for several years and this is the treatis I've compiled explaining my thoughts in answer to your question.


Here are some of my thoughts on God, life and evolution:


I have a love for science and limited understanding of it. I am not a scientist but I subscribe to scientific publications and have taken correspondence and self study courses and studied about relativity, quantum mechanics and string theory. I’ve read books on eastern mysticism, cosmology, paranormal events and psychic phenomena.


When it comes to cosmology, science can take us only so far. To this time it has taken us to the big bang and then things get fuzzy with the prime cause issue. What caused the big bang? To me it seems inevitable. In the beginning was nothing but pure energy, all the energy in the universe as we know it. It took up no space had no mass and no dimensions. Such a potential force could not remain dormant. The cause of the big bang was life force itself.


When we can no longer prove something we theorize about it then work on ways to prove or disprove the theory. At the subatomic or quantum particle level all we can do is observe cause and effect and make things happen in cyclotron colliders to verify predictions. Right now string theory is in vogue as a way of explaining the unknown, hopefully the unification of natural forces first through reason and logic then complex mathematics for final proof.


Like many before me I have pondered the question “What is life” and “When and why did life begin?” Until someone or something can convince me otherwise here is the theory I’m favoring.


Currently science recognizes four natural forces in the universe; weak nuclear, strong nuclear, electromagnetic and gravity.

I submit that there are not just four natural forces at work in the universe but at least five with Life force being the primary force, the prime cause and the basis for the universe and all that exists in it.


Before the big bang the life force is all that was. Evolution is the process through which life force acted to cause cooperation between all other forces and particles at successive levels within the space time continuum to compose a material universe with space time dimensions along with a universal consciousness independent of space and time dimensions.


Evolution, a scientifically confirmed process, traces growth of the universe from the big bang to present. The material world we live in appears intelligently designed because organic Life, consciousness and Intelligence are all evolving along with the universe. Consciousness exists and matures in organic life through logical successive stages; quantum consciousness, atomic consciousness, molecular consciousness, gravitational consciousness, cellular consciousness, life consciousness, sub-consciousness, semi-consciousness, self consciousness, collective consciousness and universal consciousness.


Organic Life and consciousness continue to evolve in stages of higher complexity. Self consciousness is centered in our brain and we each have unique self consciousness, a personal aura or soul. Soul is self consciousness evolving to a mature state. All consciousness levels are expressions of life force and examples of cooperation of energy and matter.


Universal consciousness is an intelligent energy field generated by and composed of all levels of consciousness supported by conscious energy of organisms. Universal consciousness exists in all dimensions of the universe and is mutual awareness of every single particle, entity, being and soul in existence.


Our soul is our personal interface with universal consciousness; empathy is the universal language we use to communicate with it. Our souls mature to greater degrees, as we mature emotionally and learn to love unselfishly.


My self-consciousness is proof of my intellect and existence; (I think therefore I am) my growth proves I have life energy in me. I can affect particles, molecules and objects and other lives with my will and mind both directly and indirectly thus proving the life force is a part of me as I am of the life force.


Individual lives have beginning and end points we call birth and death. When the organizing life force within any living entity can no longer support organized cell multiplication and energy conversion, Syntropy ends and entropy begins.


When a brain is no longer functioning at a level that supports consciousness or sub-consciousness, when motor and auto response for breathing and converting nourishment to energy ends, death of the body follows and the mind no longer resides within the mortal body; it is no longer active in the brain in any way; the human expression of life force leaves the body and the energy remains in the universe expressed as a spiritual soul.


The lifeless corpse will eventually disassociate into the non organic elements created in the condensation of particles following the big bang. These elements are available to be recycled by the life force into other living organisms or perhaps provide energy to support them.


The electromagnetic energy emanating from past thoughts and experiences of the mind will continue to exist as it radiates outward from the source according to natural law much like the light emitted from a dead star will continue to be seen from other points in the expanding universe long after the star is no longer in existence. No energy is lost.


Here are a few more of my ideas.


• Consciousness begins in the process of particle entanglement. (quantum consciousness)

• A soul takes up no dimension it exists in a universal consciousness field.

• A soul remains dependent upon energy of a mortal body until maturity.

• Convincing proof of reincarnation shows that souls may move to other hosts.

• There is convincing proof of the power of the mind in psychokinetic experiments.

• There are no miracles, just expressions of life force we don’t yet understand.

• The soul is the fruit of humanity that leaves the mortal body when it’s mature.

• When a soul is mature it is self sustaining no longer needing a mortal body as a host.


The theory of relativity, the law of constancy of energy in the universe, quantum mechanics and the laws of thermodynamics, entropy and syntropy sufficiently prove the following:


• Energy is matter

• Energy can neither be created nor destroyed

• Energy within the universe is constant

• Life is a force (I submit life is the prime force to which all other forces can be unified)


The five natural forces hierarchically in order of appearance are:


• Life force - the blueprint of natural law, the prime cause, quantum consciousness, truth, and love.

• Weak Nuclear force - builds sub atomic particles, quarks & leptons, etc. into atomic particles.

• Strong Nuclear Force - builds atomic particles, protons, neutrons & electrons into atoms.

• Electromagnetic force - builds elemental atoms into molecules, chemicals and compounds, matter.

• Gravity force - builds matter into massive objects throughout the universe.


“At the beginning of 1940 Luigi Fantappiè, working on quantum mechanics and special relativity, found that:


1.the solution of the retarded potentials, which describes waves diverging from a source located in the past, is governed by entropy;

2.The solution of the anticipated potentials, which describes waves converging towards a source located in the future (attractor), is governed by a principle symmetrical to entropy which Fantappiè named Syntropy.

3.Entropic phenomena are governed by the second law of thermodynamics according to which a system tends towards homogeneity and disorder….


…Syntropy and life


Studying the qualities of syntropic phenomena (finality, differentiation, order and organization) Fantappié concluded that syntropy is the essence of life: “Let us conclude by looking at what we can say about life. What makes life different is the presence of syntropic qualities: finalities, goals, and attractors. Now as we consider causality the essence of the entropic world, it is natural to consider finality the essence of the syntropic world. It is therefore possible to say that the essence of life is final causes, syntropy. Living means tending to attractors; the law of life is not the law of mechanical causes; this is the law of non-life, the law of death, the law of entropy; the law which dominates life is the law of finalities, the law of Syntropy.”


It is the first time that the energy of life is deducted from physical laws (Special Relativity And Quantum Mechanics). - Ulisse Di Corpo - Editor of Syntropy


Life is the force that organizes cooperation and interaction of forces, energy and matter in Syntropy.


“An organism is nothing if not organized heterogeneity, with nested dynamic structures over all space-time scales. …..


‘Negentropy', (syntropy) as stored mobilizable energy in a space-time structured (organized) system, can be intuitively understood as follows. In an equilibrium system, energy is fixed, which in turn fixes the population of energy levels characteristic of the temperature of the system. In a nonequilibrium system such as the organism, energy is stored over all space-time domains. For a given temperature, the energy stored is no longer fixed, but on account of efficient coupling, becomes transferred to ever larger space-time domains (starting from the photon trapped in photosynthesis, or the energy in food) until all characteristic domains are equally populated. This implies that the organism itself has no preferred levels, its activities spanning the `quantum' to `classical', from the `microscopic' through `mesoscopic' to the `macroscopic' in a quasi-continuum of self-similar patterns. “

Mae-Wan Ho Bioelectrodynamics Laboratory, Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, U.K.



The incomplete grand unification theory has been able to prove unification of the strong nuclear, weak nuclear and electromagnetic forces but to this point does not resolve gravity into the equation. It is hoped that when science can mathematically explain unification of the forces, explain them in terms of each other, we will be able to answer the questions regarding life, truth, intellect, consciousness, psychic energy and others in the origin of the universe.


Some scientists think that proving the existence of the Higgs boson will be a major step to that end. The Higgs boson is a theoretical sub-atomic particle that is thought to give other particles their mass.


They hope to isolate the Higgs with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, within a year. At CERN, the LHC could re-create conditions that last prevailed when the universe was less than a trillionth of a second old. CERN is the reference for the European Organization for Nuclear Research.


Before the big bang there was only the prime cause or force and there were zero dimensions. I propose that consciousness, truth and love are all facets of the prime unifying force, the Life Force from which all other forces and dimensions were released at the big bang.


1. First, at the instant of the big bang, time and space did not exist. Within the following moments (Pico seconds) time and space came into existence with all other dimensions and forces condensing in hierarchical order as the universe began expanding and cooling as time began flowing forward. The first few nano seconds were called inflation where the universe went from zero to the size of a basketball.


2. Then the sub-atomic or quantum particles condensed with the weak force;

3. then protons, neutrons and electrons with the strong force;

4. then elements, chemicals and compounds and all associated wavelengths of electromagnetic energy with the electromagnetic force;

5. Finally stellar bodies, stars, planets, black holes and dark matter condensed with gravity force.


The instantaneous release of energy began expanding in all dimensions about 15 billion years ago. The universe continues to expand and cools as it does so. The universe is still evolving and still expanding. It has recently been discovered to be expanding at an increasing rate due to the un-detected dark matter and energy making up about 96% of matter and energy of the universe.


Without the Higgs boson giving particles mass, as is theorized, there would be no planets or stars. Space would be filled with energy and quantum particles, equally distributed as if in homogenized gaseous solution. Without Higgs nothing would provide these particles with mass for gravity to act upon. It would be an entropic universe. This I imagine is why the Higgs is referred to as the “god particle”. It is the particle that causes mass therefore allowing gravity to form the heavenly bodies in dimensional space.


As can be seen all five of the forces are syntropic in that they are attractive forces.


Is it possible that the Higgs Boson not only gives other particles their mass but also a syntropic characteristic attracting them to consciously cooperate with each other in the work directed by life force in the logical ordering process? It seems to me that this quantum consciousness up through other higher levels of consciousness permeates the ether.


To me it is within reason that consciousness, truth and love are all unique expressions of the same force and cannot be isolated as one or the other but exist in tri-unity, all equal and inseparable as one force.


If and when science is able to mathematically unify all of the forces under one force, I think they will discover that this universal life Force is the primary cause of all that exists.



All natural laws are resolved in the universal life Force which has always existed and always will exist. It is because the universal life force is pure energy and can neither be created nor destroyed that it existed before all known and unknown dimensions of the universe and it cannot be limited by any dimension but is expressed throughout the entire universe causing all energy and matter to interact, cooperate and organize. The universe is organized and conscious as it continues to expand and grow In Mae-wan ho’s quasi continuum of self-similar patterns. Entropy exists with Syntropy in natural ebb and flow.


God is synonymous with universal life force; humankind is simply a logical part of evolution that began at the big bang as the universal life force began expressing itself in all that exists.


If you wish to refer to universal life force as God then in my way of thinking you would be correct. If A = B and B = C then C = A. I prefer to think of God as a word to reference universal life force, the prime cause of all that exists. I think of it this way so as not to confuse universal life force with an anthropomorphized being that created the universe in 7 days and that is treated as a deity by many major religions.


I think of my mind as my soul and consciousness as the experience of the life energy that keeps my body alive and self conscious between birth and death.


I see no need for such a being, deity or entity as the anthropomorphized god except as an instrument to explain the unknown to children and those who believe they need to fear or worship a deity; to be good, or else go to hell. The anthropomorphized God concept is also quite useful in organized religion for controlling followers and to explain the unknown causes of suffering and being.


I think man created God in his own image in his mind, not the other way around. I think man naturally evolved from the universal life force as did the entire universe. I find no reason to think there is a heaven or a hell. If god is life and god is love and god is truth then god is in us all and heaven and hell are constructs of some ancient evolving reasoning that served the purpose at the time.


Science struggles with the question of when life first appeared on the planet and what caused the first single cell and how was it able to replicate itself. My contention is that life was always here in quantum measure and is a force field throughout the universe. Time space and all other forces and dimensions emerged from it.


It is easier to believe in magic or miracles than to seek and learn the truth. History is rife with examples of wrong beliefs caused by ignorance, arrogance, intellectual laziness and group think. Witness how long the Catholic Church denied that the earth traveled around the sun and how long men believed the earth was flat and that if you went to the edge you would fall off never to be seen again. These ideas were intuitive for the time and were believed to be true. If such belief was taught by the church it was dogma and the church wasn’t going to change its teaching just because a few new facts got in the way.


Evolution gets in the way of creation, original sin and redemption dogma. There is no need for redemption if there is no original sin and there is no original sin if there is no creation of man by an anthropomorphic god. If there is no original sin and no need for redemption there is no need for a religion that claims to be the redemptive path to salvation; salvation from what?


It is not my intention to convert the reader or anyone to my current understanding, only to explain how I got here. My ideas of god and universal life force have evolved over the course of my life and I think I am getting closer to the truth. I contemplate this theory of the universal life force and update it on a regular basis as I learn more.

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Thanks for sharing such a well thought out response. Some of it was beyond me as i am not one to read all that much or theorize all that much, or for that matter organize all my thoughts that well. However i certainly do understand the need and desire of many to do so. In that respect, in my view, your writing made excellent reading especially if one has "a love for science". Science can as you said, "only take us so far".


To me, it seems the original poster was seeking meaning in his life as he was going through a most difficult time with his fathers pronounced last days and being part of the suffering. It seems to me we each give our own meaning to life however, to me, Life is its own meaning and birth and death are just part of the temporal story. Perhaps we all ask the wrong questions from a narrow perspective? It seems to me in the question of the OP ("what do you make of the life and death cycles of reality?"), we sometimes confuse life with birth, as you have IMO, correctly pointed in substance within your post. In my view, Life cannot be destroyed whether there is a body or not. At this stage of my what is referred to 'of my life' which is really not my life but rather 'a story' that i am experiencing, i have no questions but from a human standpoint only a profound trust in Life itself that takes me moment to moment with an understanding that is beyond my feeble attempt with words.


This is just my own feelings and as with you, not meant to convert or disprove any approach or understanding another might have. Thanks again for your wonderful writing.


Joseph (as member unless specifically stated otherwise)

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Bill and everyone. Wow, what a rich feast! Thank you. In relation to the problem of suffering I've personally found it helpful to think of what ever it is we refer to as 'God' as an 'enabler' rather than a 'creator'. In the Beatitudes thread we'll inevitably get around to the non-violence of God (turning the cheek, going the second mile, giving the cloak and resisting not the evil person). God's non-violence, epitomised in the life of Jesus, is critical to the idea of the 'enabler'. Looking at the way life has evolved, it seems to me that a general principle is at work: where love can it enables, where it cannot it forebears - even to death. In Matthew 25 Jesus talks of God in terms of being naked, sick and in prison. What happens to anything, happens to God at the very heart of the universe. In this context, the death of Jesus is, to me, a metaphor for what happens to God daily. Far from being the supernatural person who drowned the world, destroyed Sodom and Gommorah and demolished the walls of Jerico, the characxter of the God I experience and observe in nature is defined by Paul's love poem in 1 Corinthians 13. It is patient and kind, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres and never fails - though it may take millions of years to succeed.


To me, God is rather like the oil in the engine which is the most essential component. The engine might run with a multitude of faulty or missing bits, but it won't go for more than a few minutes without oil.


I'll be interested in any comments on this idea. We're all struggling to find words to talk about the ineffable

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Hi, Brian

'God' as an 'enabler' rather than a 'creator'.

I think you are in good company. At Evolutionary Christianity you have heard God described as "Alluring" in that God lures us forward in love. The idea that God doesn't shove or push but tugs at our heart, pulls at our deepest yearnings.


We're all struggling to find words to talk about the ineffable

I posted this earlier in this thread.


I don't believe that there is a God that we can talk about; our highest value here is love/compassion, so it is not inappropriate to to say that God is love. If we are to be like this God then we say and do those things which bring us closer to that goal: to feel and show compassion/love.

I believe there is suffering because we live in a dynamic becoming universe. Many make the distinction between natural catastrophes and the evil individuals do. I suggest that our response is the same to both: We do what we can to repair or contain the damage and prevent the threat, whether human or natural, from occurring if possible. They both seem to be part of a dynamic, evolution. We must respond in love and compassion for ourselves, for others and for the earth.


Bruce Sanguin mentioned Xavier Le Pichon's Theology of Fragility. One must avoid, perhaps, using this to say that suffering has a higher purpose - you'll get your reward in heaven or suffering is good for the evolution of humans. Pichon's take, I think, is that in the suffering we find life, Christ, love. It doesn't answer the question of "Why is there suffering when God is . . .", which is a question to which there is no useful answer. God, as love and compassion, is there in the suffering.



Take Care



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