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The Meaning Of One God


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The exceptional finding that there is one God awaits each one of us, giving us the ability to change our lives for the better. When we understand the true meaning of one God, our concept of god expands and builds a greater awareness of God’s presence within us. It is a journey towards unity and a new way of living. As we progress on this journey to oneness, we find our lives gradually transformed in a positive way, which includes both the conscious and the unconscious. This balance brings the discovery of a new reality along with a balance between the rational and the irrational, between the intellect and instinct, and between the conscious mind and the unconscious. As we acquire unity, we see that nothing exist in isolation so the nature of our being is unity, a unity of body, mind and spirit. Wholeness or holiness can be achieved with a watchful mind and the knowledge that everything is united in God, if old fears, doubts and prejudices wear away to make room for new ideas and understanding.

Unity is not a new concept, but we must open up to it to make it effective so it can change our lives, making us aware that our bodies are in harmony with God, and His power is within. God flows through every atom of our being fortifying, energizing and renewing, but we are not aware of it. Embracing and identifying with unity, instead of our minds easily opens our being to the influx of new ideas, new thoughts, new people, and the new situations that come into our experience.

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I am impressed with this message since it seems to incorporate a rejection of the dual nature of man which is often viewed as the view of the Bible. Such a view separates man from God, and violates a non- dualistic theology in which Man cannot be separated from his creator.Man may choose to deny it, but that does not change the fact that deep down God is the ground of our being as humans, and the element which makes us all whole and connected, including Jesus. The exceptional finding that such is the case was a revelation to me.



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I am glad you are drawing on the invisible forces of unity and can feel the oneness and see that responsibility, decision-making and optimism all flow together in one universal consciousness, where God is an obvious reality. Jesus said, "I and the Father are one." Christ consciousness is lighting a path to pure consciousness. Without a doubt the mind of God the Father is everywhere in pure consciousness and in the individual consciousness of all living things. The spirit of God is the principal partner in the human compound of body, mind and spirit, but it is usually ignored because it does not come across as the voice of authority especially to those who like things cut and dried. Organized religion is the voice of authority and it can meddle, tinker and mean well, but to break up old patterns of thought and behavior, we need to open ourselves to new possibilities. With the highest exercise of our intellect we know the purpose of our existence and can proceed to live intelligently according to it, if we direct our physical and mental activities to the pure consciousness of God. We know we are on the right path because pure consciousness makes cheerful every action and person contacted. Thanks for the encouragement.

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