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Open Hearts..


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"In our religious striving, we are usually looking for something quite other than the God who has come looking for us." ~ Eugene Peterson


It seems that the closer I get to God the more I see that God is much different then I previously thought. If God is as immense as we say, and we as finite...then how can we be hard and fast in our beliefs and perceptions?


Is true faith one that is completely 'full', and totally sure of what is believed? Or is it one that keeps room for more growth and truth?


"The meek shall inherit the earth"..."The poor in spirit shall see God."


This keeps me open to truth and wisdom where ever it presents itself. If, to the best of my ability, I desire truth...then it will come, but maybe not in the form I am expecting.


I agree totally. I believe an open mind and heart can help transform our lives from the mundane to the Divine. God is able to fill the mind if it is open, accepting and accessible.




Your post resonated with me also—like that quote from Eugene Peterson.

Henri Nouwen said spiritual discipline is a practice that creates room in which God can transform us. Prayer is being all ear before God, vulnerable, dependent. Meister Eckhart wrote, an open space must be created within the human soul, free of any particular notion of divinity, accepting God as nondefinable. Openness in the sense of detachment, even abandonment, gives way to the mystical experience of God’s presence. Eckhart also spoke of “living without a why” --without intentions, purposes, or power. Not to cease acting or questioning, but doing what you have to do without concern for success or recognition. The highest form of knowing is to venture into the unknown.

  • 2 years later...

If we were meant to have all the answers, we would. I think as we evolve as people, and our lives offer challenges and moments of frustration, and moments of joy and celebration, it leads us to asking more questions and searching for new aspects of truth. I think this is active faith, where we are actively searching for God and meaning, as opposed to being passive. The more our hearts and minds are open, the more we will see and learn.


This keeps me open to truth and wisdom where ever it presents itself. If, to the best of my ability, I desire truth...then it will come, but maybe not in the form I am expecting.


Wow - as Jenelle would say - a bit of synchronicity here. This is exactly what came up during my personal meditation today. That is, the need to be open to the Spirit of Wisom, to not be afraid (of changeor of the unexpected or whatever.) An open heart, an open mind, and someone to help keep us on the transformative journey.


I think what's difficult, sometimes, about being truly open is the idea that things are "supposed" to be a certain way, or are "supposed" to come in a certain form. When things present themselves in an unexpected way, it's easy to either ignore them or misinterpret them, because they are disguised.


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