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What Paul Really Said About Women is simply outstanding. As The Christians for Bibical Equality have brought out, much of the Scriptures that are yanked out of context to try and justify sexism towards women in the so-called name of the Bible are simply the very same Scriptures yanked in the South back in the 1800's to try and justfiy whites treating blacks and Native Americans as inferior. Women women do not want to be doormats but their church or organized religion frightens them into believing they must put up with being treated inferior in order to be pleasing to the Lord, Jesus Christ or Jehovah.


This book shows how in much the same way the word "Hell" was translated where actually the meaning "Humankind's common grave" should have been...so too have translations taken the liberity to translate the Gree word "ARCHE" which means "Chief", "Leader" and "Ruler"/ "Have authorty over" and thus in English "HEAD"..where instead the Greek word "KEPHALE" which actaully denotes NO authority or superiorty in rank above another at all..but rather means "Self-less giver", "One who willing risks his life for others". After being enlightened on this, all should consider extanding the Golden Rule to ALL..meaning not just all races..but BOTH sexes, the animals and the earth itself.


This book is only about $9


This was an important book for me when I struggled with the issue of women in the Bible. However, since then, I have come to question much of the argument that was made therein. As I recall, the author stretches significantly some of his interpretations of certain texts. However, because it offers a strong alternative "biblically based" understanding of the role of women in Paul's discourses, I strongly recommend it for those who question the biblical basis of "female submission."


The Important thing I have gathered from the book as well as the Christians For Bibical Equality Network:



Is that there are many 'different' meanins of the word HEAD in Greek...just as their are for example 7 'different' meanings of the word LOVE in greek. He brings focuses on the '2' main meanings of the word HEAD in Greek as being ARCHE..which means chief and ruler and KEPHALE which basically means to hold a self-sacrificing mentality. He brings out that BOTH ARCHE AND KEPHALE are used in Scriptures to discribe Christ..but that ONLY KEPHALE is used towards men..humans..but that the fundamental churches have purposely taken the liberites to CHANGE it so that all the Scriptures talking about man's relationship towards suddenly is CHANGE to also include the meaning ARCHE rather than just KEPHALE..as it originally was.

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