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I think as many progressive minded people as possible need to know about TCPC. So here are some ideas I have come up with to get more people aware of this site and to get more people to connect with TCPC.


1. Advertise TCPC on Beliefnet.com. Have the offical TCPC logo with an appealing message placed on Beliefnet..many under their Progressive christianity section.


2. Request that Google and Yahoo ADD the term "Progressive Christianity" TO it's exiesting directory because I HAVE checked and as of yet they do NOT have it..they only have the term "Evangelical Christianity."


3. If some TCPC memeber or participant could create a web ring especially for Progressive Christianity and then invite other progressives to join it it, advertise it and exchange one another PC links..and advertise TCPC on it.


4. Invite all who are signed on here on the TCPC forum to submit their own PC articles to be published online on TCPC articles, PC book reviews.


5. Make TCPC flyers and mail them to mainstream and more liberal churches asking them if they would like to be listed on your Progressive Christian churches links.


6. Maybe if TCPC could hold free lectures to the public out here in Southern Califoria? Like maybe at at a progressive Church in santa Barbara and try and invite all the progressive churches in that area and sourrounding to come?


Great Ideas Beach!


I'd also place ads in the Sojourners, The Christian Century, New Zion's Herald, The Door, etc. magazines.


I'd also send posters and flyers describing TCPC to seminaries and churches.


Heck, why not become a paid sponsor of shows on NPR (National Public Radio)?!

Why not put bill boards up on the streets and place them on buses at bus stops, etc?


All that's needed is some money. Perhaps George Soros or the Lily Foundation might be tapped?


Great ideas!:)


How about send an article to your local newspaper in the religious section that explains the Basic of what TCPC is about? You could simply highlight and cutnpast the follwoing and/or add your own tuch to it. Print it or e-mail it to your local newspapaers...



The Basic Points of Progressive Christianity


What if there could be a network of Christians who truely believed in not only talking about equality for all..but actually practiced it? A version of Christianity that was neither sexist nor racist? Where people of all sexual orientations were actually welcomed? Where some sort of theological threat is not preached to gain and keep members? Where people actually care about this earth and all beings on it - both human and animalkind? What if I told you that such a version and network of Christianity ALREADY exists? It Called The Center for Progressive Christianity and if such values discribes you..then this may just be the place for you.


By calling ourselves progressive, we mean that we are Christians who…


Have found an approach to God through the life and teachings of Jesus;


Recognize the faithfulness of other people who have other names for the way to God's realm, and acknowledge that their ways are true for them, as our ways are true for us;


Invite all people to participate in our community and worship life without insisting that they become like us in order to be acceptable (including but not limited to):


believers and agnostics,

conventional Christians and questioning skeptics,

women and men,

those of all sexual orientations and gender identities,

those of all races and cultures,

those of all classes and abilities,

those who hope for a better world and those who have lost hope;


Know that the way we behave toward one another and toward other people is the fullest expression of what we believe;


Find more grace in the search for understanding than we do in dogmatic certainty - more value in questioning than in absolutes;


Form ourselves into communities dedicated to equipping one another for the work we feel called to do: striving for peace and justice among all people, protecting and restoring the integrity of all God's creation, and bringing hope to those Jesus called the least of his sisters and brothers; and


Recognize that being followers of Jesus is costly, and entails selfless love, conscientious resistance to evil, and renunciation of privilege.


Whether you are a representive of a Progressive church or faith group that already embraces these values..or maybe just an individual without a faith community, we invite you to connect with us.


Hi I'm new to this board but this topic is near to my heart. I moved to a rural area of Virginia 2 years ago and have had little luck finding a local congregation to join. Even the denoms said to be "liberal" are rather conservative here.


I am trying to gather together the progressive minded folks in the area ( there are bound to be a few). I put an ad in the local paper that came out 3 days ago and have had no replies so far. Maybe everone is Christmassing. I am working on a memo/flyer that I thought I would post on public bulletin boards and send to churches for their boards. kind of a you "You are not alone if you don't believe everything the church says" message, hopefully without insulting other believers.


So that's my local plan. In the meantime some wider coverage would be helpful. What we need is a progressive televangelist.


FYI.. Posted 12/27/04

Progressive United Methodist Church Featured in PBS Documentary


The Congregation, a new cinema vérité documentary, profiles a progressive UMC in Eastern Pennsylvania in the midst of profound change as it struggles with the arrival of a new minister and must reinvent itself under new leadership. More: http://rmcumc.org/News/Communications/bbev...tm#Congregation


Perhaps TCPC.org ought to be a sponsor of this show?!!


I have meant to reply to this thread and say THANKS for all of these ideas!


We are going to be advertising in sojomail (Sojourners e-mail list) starting next month and on Beliefnet, and we have just started a series of google text ads.


I think people don't always realize that TCPC is pretty much a 100% volunteer run operation. I am the only paid staff at this point, and I am on 15 hours a week just to keep the website updated and the website design current. In other words, I would love some help in making some of these ideas a reality!


Below are some of the ideas for online ad blurbs... what do you think? I need more!



Progressive Christianity

Asking the question is more important

than having all of the answers.




Progressive Christianity

Ask the big questions

without turning off your brain.




Progressive Christianity

There is another option.




Progressive Christianity

Because no one owns the hotline to God.




Progressive Christianity

Yes, there is such a thing!




The Center for Progressive Christianity

Sermons, articles, reviews, curriculums, events,

Ideas, resources, links, networking, conversation and support.




The Center for Progressive Christianity

Keep the faith,

drop the dogma.



Keep your ideas coming. And look in the events section of the TCPC website for regional and local events in your area - or consider hosting or helping to plan an event. We need you!


These are my favorites



Progressive Christianity

Yes, there is such a thing!





The Center for Progressive Christianity

Keep the faith,

drop the dogma.



Here's some more...


The Center for Progressive Christianity


Proclaiming Christ as the gateway to

God... without proclaiming exclusive

rights to it.




The Center for Progressive Christianity


Proclaiming Christ as the gateway to God.

Extending the Golden Rule to both sexes,

all races & sexual orientations, the earth

and all life on it.



Posted (edited)

A thought:



Integrity + Justice + Dignity +Compasison = Authentic Humanity

Authentically Human = Authentically Divine

(But what might that mean?)


Edited by XianAnarchist

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