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What's He Smoking Up There?


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Jesus here.


Look. Here’s the deal. The Jesus all of you (well, most of you) profess to admire tried with all his might to start a new faith tradition, and this same Jesus was a tough, no-nonsense, highly educated, literate scientist who believed in an entirely different God than the God of the Old Testament. .............

Walking a path of radical equality side by side with our Mother and Father takes guts.


Love Jesus

October 20, 2006

Blessed be, O beloved Mother and Father


Hmmmmm, for some reason I suspect this letter professing to be from Jesus is from an imposter instead! I'm just not sure this post is really from Jesus. ;) LOL! The reason I am saying this is because Canajan,eh/Jesus appears to know very little about Jesus.


Here's the first major error I spotted:

Jesus was a tough, no-nonsense, highly educated, literate scientist who believed in an entirely different God than the God of the Old Testament .


In your education, you seem to have missed the fact that Jesus IS the God of the Old Testament, according to the New Testament, which provides the revelation that tells us the only thing that we know about Jesus one way or the other. Other than the prophecies of Jesus from the OT, and His pre-incarnation appearances there, such as the "one like a Son of Man" in multiple places in the Old Testament. As John 1 says: in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word became flesh and lived among men. There are multiple other New Testament verses attesting to the fact that Jesus is the Creator God.


Next, Christ did not pull away from the religion of his ancestors, He simply fulfilled the religion of His ancestors, fulfilling all of the prophecies in the Old Testament regarding His first Advent. Once again, as Jesus said: He did not come to do away with the law, but to fulfill it (make it more full, demonstrate a fuller version of the law -- IMHO). So for you to decide that Jesus was a highly educated literate scientist who believed in an entirely different God than the God of the Old Testament, you'll have to come up with facts from a source other than the Bible. And I'm not sure where you would come up with such facts, other than from your own imagination.


Take, for example, your claim that you, Jesus, had a vision of God as being a he and a she. Your source for that fact? Certainly not the Bible. Ooops, I forgot. You are Jesus. So we have this information straight from the source. It's hard to argue against that kind of authority! ;) LOL!


And next, you were not dragged away. Rather let me say that Jesus was not. He went willingly, having become flesh and the left heaven, for the purpose of going to the cross for your sins and mine.


Next, He most certainly chose a holy place. He went there frequently during His ministry, and he kept the law to the utmost, including all of the animal sacrifices. Making Him the only human who ever lived to perfectly keep the law, qualifying Him as the perfect Lamb of God who was able to take away the sins of the world.


Certainly none of the others who interacted with Jesus were His divine equals, nor are any of us. They were instead His creations, whose bodies, with out His salvation, simply go back to the dust of the earth from where they came, at least until the resurrection and judgment. They, like us, or were/are only worthy to bow down to Him.

I would say the one who does not believe a word of what Jesus said is the one presenting himself here as Jesus. The Bible says Jesus said and did certain things, as recorded by His apostles, most of whom suffered death for spreading this Word. You, on the other hand, are claiming He said and did quite the opposite. Unless you really are Jesus having decided to post to this thread, I cannot imagine where you can get such wild ideas, other than possibly from hallucinations.


Bill (Corinthian) :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Take, for example, your claim that you, Jesus, had a vision of God as being a he and a she. Your source for that fact? Certainly not the Bible.



Sigh . . . I'm wondering who you think the Spirit is? The Spirit whom I loved and spoke of was the Mother. I talked of both the Father of Lights (God the Father) and the Holy Spirit (God the Mother).


I'm pretty sure that's in the Bible.


Love Jesus

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Joseph, I agree we have to go beyond the intellect. I feel some people choose the path of knowledge to raise their consciousness as some choose the path of devotion to a diety and some service to humanity. I respect the philosophers who have chosen intelect. I am more eclectic because I jump from one path to another. Service to knowledge to physical exercise to devotion. I feel all are valid. The philosophers eventually come to the abstract which is very difficult to love so devotion to a diety helps and serving a diety is difficult so serving humanity helps and the vehicle to do this is the body which needs some attention to cater to all of the above.

The cosmic dance goes on I just hope I don't step on anybody's toes.



Cool thoughts, Soma. Thanks.


Love Jen

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In order to have a genuine relationship with someone, you not only must experience him relationally, but you must get to know things about him. It's not really a relationship if you experience someone without knowing anything about him, is it? In the same way, God has revealed certain things about himself so that we may know about him, and he also enters into intimate fellowship with his people.


I'm so glad you said this, DCJ. It's true. It's also the underlying basis of Jesus' teachings. The message of Jesus' Christianity (as opposed to Paul's Christianity) is relationship. Relationship means experiencing others, as you say. It also means getting to know things about your friends and family. Both have in role in forging strong, lasting, healing relationships.


The Jesus I know is a real person, an individual with unique thoughts, interests, abilities, and quirks. He also has a unique appearance.


If Jesus were living as an adult in the year 2006, he would look like the man in the photo above. I had an artist PhotoShop the portrait for me.


His favourite colour is black. He loves up-tempo blues. He sings like Josh Groban. His Sun sign is Scorpio. Favourite game: Blackjack (without any betting). Favourite book: Hyperion/Endymion series by Dan Simmons. Favourite movie: It's a Wonderful Life.


He also loves small, sleek, expensive sports cars (not that he has a hope in heck of getting one!)


Love Jen

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Not to over do the point here, but I doubt too much that Jesus would have looked like the guy who

appears to be European or American (perhaps Canadian?). He certainly doesn't look of Jewish decent. Jesus was most certainly NOT European. If he came today, well who knows?


This young man is quite possibly a nice guy. Don't know him. But I don't picture Jesus having an interest

in sport's cars or faster mules. Those kind of interests seem consumeristic and wouldn't be typical of

any people of that day. I doubt someone with really true spiritual concerns would be too drawn

to them, then or now.


Also Jews are opposed to astrology, would he know his "sign" or care?


I think, though the book has many flaws, Anne Rice's "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt" makes a more serious

attempt to describe a real person in a real environment. I don't think she quite succeeds on the "real"

part-- but at least it is a little more "real" than our photoshopped guy (just how Photoshopped I wonder?

This does look like a real person. Does he know his picture is up on the web? Does he know he is on the web as a modern day Jesus? ).


Yes, Jesus was a real person. A more serious attempt to imagine Jesus in the present day would be to think of people who have devoted their lives to serious spiritual work in the world, perhaps a Martin Luther King or Mother Theresa or The Christian Peace Team would be a better analogy anyway?




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Yes, Jesus was a real person. A more serious attempt to imagine Jesus in the present day would be to think of people who have devoted their lives to serious spiritual work in the world, perhaps a Martin Luther King or Mother Theresa or The Christian Peace Team would be a better analogy anyway?



Or maybe Gandhi or the Dalai Lama or Thich Nhat Hanh or Jimmy Carter.

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Um, Des, MT, gotta say that your remarks above are a bit, um, not as well thought out as they might be. I mean, um, is there such a thing as looking Jewish? I don't really think so. As for whether he looks European or American or Canadian . . . well sure. People from all cultures and religions have moved to Northern Europe, the U.S., and Canada (as well as to Australia and to many other nations as well.) So what would be the problem with a modern-day Jesus looking as if he belongs in one of those multi-racial communities?


And, um, about the cars . . . A person who loves cars and who also loves God can combine those two loves by driving an ambulance. Or a police car. Or a fire truck. Or a delivery truck that carries medical supplies and educational materials to hospitals and schools. Or family van that carries a handicapped child to public school, or meals to a shut-in. Why is it a bad thing to love cars? Isn't the real spiritual issue what you do with what you've got? Why do you wish to hold everyone up to an unattainable standard -- Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi? Don't you think it's possible God the Mother and God the Father see serious spiritual work going on wherever individuals use their God-given talents to make the world a better place? Not many of us have the ability to be a Gandhi. But all of us have the ability to be our best selves, and make a difference to our families, communities, and nations.


I personally wouldn't want to go back to a point in history where we lacked technology, science, public education, and public health care. It seems to me that a great many individuals from affluent countries are spending a lot of time, energy, and money to bring technology, science, public education, and public health care to others in less affluent nations. Affluence in itself isn't a bad thing. Hoarding is the problem -- and hoarding can take place even when you don't have two nickels to rub together.


Love Jen

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Perhaps I should have said Middle Eastern vs. Jewish, that might have been a better way of putting it. For instance, Sojo.net panned the recent film Navity for using a "Western white baby Jesus". I think it is a fair criticism. It's just awefully white you know. Why? We have enough blue eyed blond headed Jesuses around.

But ok, so Jesus arrives in middle America (or Canada) say. I'm not sure I see the point.


There is NOTHING at all wrong with liking cars. And certainly liking cars can lead to other things like driving an ambulance say. But there is NOTHING wrong with liking cars in and of themselves. The thing I did not

notice in your description was an seriousness of spiritual vision or purpose. It was a description of a typical guy, as I saw it. Nothing wrong with a typical guy at all. But nothing beyond one either.


You're worried about the standards of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Jimmy Carter, Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai

Lama, Mother Teresa are too high for our would be Jesus. Hey this is Jesus we are talking about!!

Why are you worried about an unattainable standard? Even the above individuals aren't Jesus, but at least they show a seriousness of spiritual purpose that I didn't get from your Photoshopped boy.



Perhaps I misunderstood the purpose of your little exercise.

*IF* Jesus came to America or Canada in this century what would he be like? At least you can imagine someone who might seem unusual and who's behavior would NOT be so typical. So imagine beyond a liking for cars and the color black.


BTW, I don't quite buy the unattainable Jesus. I think Jesus meant his life to call to us. But I don't think that calling was describing an easy "typical life" either. And sure I believe we can "sample" a little bit of Christ, for want of a better expression. So you could just place anybody's picture in there, I suppose, for that. That doesn't do much for me, but if that's what you meant, ok.


So this is a picture of any man and any man (or woman) can be Christ or at least hold in him/her self some of the Christ?? Ok, I would buy that much of what you are offering here. Not that much, but a little. :-)




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The thing I did not notice in your description was an seriousness of spiritual vision or purpose. It was a description of a typical guy, as I saw it. Nothing wrong with a typical guy at all. But nothing beyond one either.


You're worried about the standards of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Jimmy Carter, Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai

Lama, Mother Teresa are too high for our would be Jesus.


Des, Jesus here. I'm sorry if I didn't make my point more clearly. I wasn't talking about myself when I spoke of unattainable standards. I was talking about human beings in general. Human beings all around the globe. Human beings who are being taught (to their great misfortune) that some people are "better", "special", more worthy of being called spiritual than regular folk. But the tough spiritual truth is that every typical guy and every typical girl is considered by God to be an amazing and wondrous individual. A typical guy is beautiful in God's eyes, and he doesn't need to be a world leader to be considered a spiritual teacher by God. All he has to do is be the best person he's capable of being.


An important thought: there are many world leaders (including many living at this time) who are not in any way being the best persons they're capable of being. They're praised, admired, even worshipped by other people, but they don't deserve it. They don't deserve it because they do what they do in order to receive praise, admiration, and worship. They aren't listening to their hearts. They aren't listening to their souls. They're only listening to their big, fat egos. This is how wars get started.


The humble, penniless grandmothers of Africa, who have few resources and little education, are beginning to gather together as a group and share their formidable heart energy to look after the AIDS orphans of the continent. Who is considered by God to be a person with a more serious spiritual vision: the grannies, or the world leaders?


It's hard work to be the best person you're capable of being. You have to pay a lot of attention to what you're thinking and feeling at all times. You have to be conscious of how your particular talents fit into God's overall plan. You have to be in the Christ Zone. It's no cake-walk -- even if you like sports cars and your favourite colour is black.


P.S. I'm not blond and blue-eyed. My hair is very dark brown, as are my eyes. But that's somewhat beside the point, as genetics are a tricky subject, and there are pockets of fair-skinned, blue-eyed people in unexpected places around the world. Don't judge a book by its cover.


Love Jesus

December 8, 2006

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Jenn, Not to judge a book by its cover but I did think you were talking about Jesus that this was some

20th C version of Jesus. So I guess I didn't get your point.


However, since I thought you were talking about Jesus, here was what I was trying to get across:

I teach in a "barrio" type school, and after listening to discussions on the Supreme Court, which will

probably reverse desegregation orders that have made schools more integrated (and hopefully eventually

society). I see a trend of wanting to see things "color blind" so to speak. Sometimes in an effort to be color

blind, we can actually set things back. If you ask, some black and Hispanic people will tell you they don't have quite the luxury that white people have of looking at the world "color blind", as it just doesn't happen

in the real world. So since I thought you were proposing this guy as Jesus, I thought it somewhat unfortunate that it be from the smallest racial minority on Earth as you representative, esp. since the original Jesus didn't belong to it. White priviledge takes a position that you don't need to look at or consider

race. Sadly, in this world, I think you do. Hence, for instance, I would want to see Jesus in film or in children's books represented as a person of likely Middle Eastern decent. And not, well we're all color

blind here, so let's make him white (and after all he could be from the middle east).


Of course, since I guess that wasn't your point, it doesn't exactly apply. But since it wasn't your point, why the Photoshopped image at all? Just think of yourself, a friend, a neighbor, a stranger, someone on tv, etc.

and imagine you, him or her? And why a fictionalized being? Just think of someone doing God's work in the world, take any of your examples, which I think are good ones. There are real people doing those things.

And if you want the message that we are all capable of being the best we can be ("be all that you can be?"

US Army slogan), then just look around too. Or that people in power aren't there yet, well just look

at the current occupant of the White House. ;-)







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Des, you and I seem to be talking apples and oranges. You're talking about how Jesus "should" look, and how racial issues in the world today are very complex. I'm talking about the way Jesus does look when I'm channelling. His face and form are always the same. His hair is dark. His eyes are dark. His skin is tan -- maybe it's Middle Eastern, maybe it's Greek, maybe it's Native American. My point is that his race does not matter. God and God's angels don't classify human beings according to the colour of their skin. God loves all races and peoples and genders equally. Our spiritual task as human beings is to love each other the way God already loves us.


I posted a picture of a man. This is the closest approximation the artist could get when I described the man I "see" when I'm channelling. Jesus looks this way as an angel because this is the way God the Mother and God the Father made him as an angel. He shouldn't have to apologize to anyone because his features bring up cultural and spiritual issues for some individuals who see his portait. He is who he is. I could, I suppose, ask the artist to make a composite portrait of a person who has (to borrow from Star Trek) Klingon musculature, Vulcan ears, Ferengi teeth, a Bejoran forehead, and human clothes. This wouldn't offend anyone, I suppose. But it wouldn't be a real person, unless, after many generations of inter-marriage, such a person was born to loving parents with Klingon, Vulcan, Ferengi, Bejoran, and human ancestors.


We all are who we are. We can't be anyone but ourselves. No one should have to apologize to anyone else or be made to feel bad about their unique appearance. Des, I agree with you that, in the real world, racial issues cause a lot of real suffering. But we all have to strive to be colour-blind anyway. It's the best we can do.


Love Jen

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> cultural and spiritual issues for some individuals who see his portait. He is who he is. I could, I suppose, ask the artist to make a composite portrait of a person who has (to borrow from Star Trek) Klingon musculature, Vulcan ears, Ferengi teeth, a Bejoran forehead, and human clothes. This wouldn't offend anyone, I suppose. But it wouldn't be a real person, unless, after many generations of inter-marriage, such a person was born to loving parents with Klingon, Vulcan, Ferengi, Bejoran, and human ancestors.



LOL! I would like to see that though. :-)




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