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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. This Week's ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  2. Welcome Scott and so happy to hear you have experienced that which is always present and without words but many are not often aware of. Joseph
  3. Thanks for the well wishes fatherman.
  4. Current ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  5. Hi Sandydawn and welcome. I think you will find about 31 churches in Illinois. Do a search on our home site ------>HERE Joseph
  6. Current ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  7. Yes KJ. I think one needs to subscribe to them but there is a lot of youtube videos on the web and much to be gleamed from his site at http://johnshelbyspong.com/ Joseph
  8. Welcome Kjalways, Thanks for the introduction. Sorry to take so long to respond with Christmas and everything being a busy time of year. Your story isn't all that different from many here and i also feel balance is a wonderful thing. There is something to gleam from all religions and the story of Jesus does give us an interesting role model. I wish you well in your journey and hope to hear more of your thoughts as you share in the threads or create new topics here. Joseph
  9. Current ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  10. Current ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap --->http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=b51b9cf441b059bb232418480&id=31f93c6e9c&e=4818d6a086
  11. Derek, Thanks for that simplistic but profound post. Its good to be reminded of the basic so as not to get lost in the complicated. Joseph PS Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All
  12. The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation Webinar‏
  13. Current ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  14. Current ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  15. Current ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  16. Lee, Western civilization is changing and in a constant state of flux. Is it for the better or worse .... i can't say... but in my view of things i think we are headed in the proper direction. I have no book suggestions here to recommend. Joseph
  17. ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap >. http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=b51b9cf441b059bb232418480&id=9d3b56c596&e=4818d6a086
  18. Anna , As you may know... Christ” comes from christos, a Greek word meaning and most often translated as “anointed.” Many say It is the equivalent of the Hebrew word mashiach, or Messiah, However my personal experience and study of the word shows it comes from the Greek root word Chrio and is more an empowering or flow of the spirit of God. It is as being (anointed) rubbed or smeared together with God or as Jesus is recorded saying "I and my Father are One". In my understanding and experience, he didn't mean that he was God but rather that at the time he spoke it he was empowered or smeared together as one with God in Spirit. And this wasn't only for him as following that statement. Jesus is recorded saying to the effect that ".I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one " John 17:20-22 . To me, the word "Christ" is that oneness in the Christian religion. Other religions may use different words but i view it as the same experience. Joseph
  19. Welcome to the forum Anna, Your experience at 19 some may call that the new birth experience, being born again, awakening to Life, rising from the dead, experiencing the kingdom, satori to a Buddhist or temporary awareness to your inner being or true nature. I believe that is the end of the world, and second coming of "Christ" that Jesus is recorded talking about. Religion can get bogged down with dogma and doctrine which negates the experience of Christ. As you, i also find religious language doesn't always reflect the true awesomeness of existence and spirituality. Why worry or have angst about knowing what is to come? Didn't your past experience show you that time was an illusion and the world but a dream you were waking up from? To me your experiences agree more with truth and much of the teachings of Jesus more than any church taught dogma or tradition. Personal experiences are priceless for learning and understanding and are far beyond mere words. My advice would be to .... Rest in your "being", that is where Christ is. (not Jesus the man) . For in Christ we live and have our being. I have found resting in knowledge or what's to come while it gives one hope is devoid of the experience of the kingdom which is here now. Again welcome, Joseph
  20. Welcome Anna and thanks for the question. Personally i don't take the book of revelations literally. I think you will find most on this site find very little use for the dogma and doctrines of men even if they are as you say "officially" recognized. Although i was also raised a Catholic, it is long since become something that is just a vague memory of something i let go of. Progressive Christianity to me is more an individual journey of discovery that sees many roads leading to the same point, It seems to require the ability to live with a degree of uncertainty in ones life and receive new data that arrives with ones own personal experiences and power of reasoning as a guide. New insight seems to appear when that which is then seen as false is let go of. I think we have to let go of traditions and that which does not agree with our personal experience, reason and gained knowledge to make room for new understandings that are ever-growing toward being fully awake. Perhaps others here can shed some light on the message and tone between the Gospels and the Catholic visions? Personally, i rely mostly on my own experiences and that which i am able to receive from others at this time. Joseph
  21. Greetings Wes, Welcome to the forum and thanks for the introduction. I moved it to your own intro thread. Sounds like you have had an interesting carreer and life and was fortunate enough to question things concerning religion early in life. Hope you will find time to share your experiences and provoke some interesting discussions. Joseph
  22. ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  23. UnitedLove, Thanks for those einstein quotes link and a warm welcome. Enjoyed reading your 7 posts.. Joseph
  24. ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  25. Deborah, It sounds to me that you are on the right trail. In my experience, reasoning can only take one so far. I would encourage you to follow your intuition and let peace be your guide at all times. Your "being" at the deepest level is where true peace is and will continue to guide your steps as long as it is the desire of your heart. . Peace, Joseph
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