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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  2. Rodge, The 8 points were changed in 2011 and point 1 now reads " We believe that following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the Sacred and Oneness and Unity of all life" Those words are not set in stone but many affiliated churches and in leadership roles felt that those words were more appropriate for now. As you know, the word progressive typically means "happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step" .Also as you are aware, all Christians do not necessarily whether progressive or otherwise hold the exact same beliefs. I am merely a member posting as Joseph here and i certainly do not limit the discussions here to any affirmation regarding the existence or non-existence of divinity. My words speak for me only and the same goes for the words of others. They carry no more weight than the words of you (Rodge) here except when signed as JosephM (administrator/Moderator) and then those words are limited to my role as administrator or moderator and not doctrine or dogma or beliefs. I as others here offer nothing declared as universal truth.That disclaimer is and has been documented HERE It seems to me that you have made some assumptions concerning PC that in my view are misleading that i believe a more thourough study of the entire site including the home site i previously mentioned will clear up. Joseph PS. It is my view that we are all at different stages in our journey and i am not of the persuasion that one is higher or lower, or more or less correct. It seems to me, we are just at different perspective points of viewing reality. Your views have been stimulating and provoking of thoughts to consider. Thanks for that.
  3. Rodge, We have thousands of recorded affiliated churches and organizations/communities that believe they are doing just that without a lot of doctrine and dogma that PC sees as more of a roadblock in spiritual growth than asset to the same. If you read the 8 points carefully you will find PC finds more grace in the search for understanding and more value in questioning than in absolutes. On the contrary to your conclusions stated above Progressive Christians are reaching out both as individuals and community and on their journey are helpful and care for others and do embrace the reality of inner spirituality. They are also active in respecting and caring for the integrity of the environment we live in. While it may sound like i am defending the label, the reality is, it needs no defending. Perhaps you have missed the point of PC by focusing on this forum (discussion board) alone and would get a better feel by examining our main site more thoroughly at http://progressivechristianity.org/ Joseph
  4. Rodge, No. This is the official goal or purpose of the discussion board (this forum)http://progressivechristianity.org/message-boards/ Joseph
  5. Hi Rodge, It seems to me you may have made too many assumptions concerning PC. If you review the 8points of PC, I think you will find it very different from institutional religion . It makes no claims of being more correct but rather encourages an individual journey of discovery without formal doctrine or dogma. Here is an excellent thread by members on what Progressive Chrisianity means to members in their own words. http://tcpc.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/2457-just-what-is-progressive-christianity-to-you/ Bishop Spong shares his personal study and views but doesn't dictate what one must or must not believe. Joseph
  6. Personally, I believe in the physical, (the Newtonian world) we live in a world of effects only and there are no real causes to speak of, just preconditions . Everything actually originates from the that which is not manifested. In other words A does not cause B which causes C but rather ABC originates from that which is non physical. While there is what we call choice I suspect that Free will is an illusion to humans. Joseph PS. In my view, the universe is merely unfolding
  7. Welcome to the forum. PaulS, one of our moderators is also from Austrailia not far from Perth. I,m sure he will chime in shortly. Joseph
  8. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  9. Even IF there was such a thing as objective truth, we as humans (sentient beings), can only subjectively experience it making it by definition, subjective in nature.. Science of course, is based on the possibility of objectivity, on the possibility of different people checking out for themselves the observations made by others. Yet in my view, it always remains subjective even if many agree. Joseph
  10. Hi Jen, I am not familiar with the words ""apophatic path" nor the construct it may represent. Any encouragement i may offer is not intended to direct one to one particular path or any "one-size-fits-all God interface". However, it is my personal view that eventually all are apprehended by the same source which in my experience requires no construct and is the end of "seeking". Joseph
  11. Derek, Yes, paradise seems to be where you are now. Not familiar with Oxfam stores . Do they allow you to sell your own items there for a cut or just donate them? Joseph
  12. Hi Fatherman, Being from a background in computers at the machine (hardware) level language and higher level language areas Basic, FORTRAN, C, i can certainly relate to your analogies. I agree there is a part of us that in general seems to need or require a human construct, a user interface, to have a relationship with God. YET personally i have come to a point where i have been shown that is not necessary. I tend to now agree with much of Tolle's teachings. ​A number of years ago while driving on a trip and meditating (which i certainly don't recommend while driving), i found myself as best i can describe ..... without location and in direct connect or one with my source which included moments of separation from which an exchange of a sort took place. I suddenly realized that i no longer really needed a belief system as "God" or "the source or substrate of my life" was an ever-present reality to me which was matter of fact rather than requiring any belief system. In one sense i was confounded, but in another sense i was relieved. A greater understanding seems to be nice to the fleshly mind but i found myself more at peace living in a mystery that no longer needed a solution to me. So while i think i understand in practice the internal drive that seems to continually seek new ways to understand "God" and develop a fuller relationship, for me constructs for "God" are no longer required or even desired. While i certainly encourage others to continue their search and share , it is to the end that they also find a point where "seeking" and constructs are no longer required for relationship. Some may take offense in my words or the way i have written here but it is just a sharing of my own experience and what works for me at this point. If something makes no sense to another, one can always file it or discard it. Peace, Joseph
  13. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  14. Welcome Tanakh, Glad to hear you are excited about new progressive Christian views. Many have found wisdom, confirmation and/or a new outlook from the conventional one concerning Christianity through Bishop Spongs books and writings. Again welcome and looking forward to hearing more from you. Joseph
  15. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  16. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  17. Jack, Well, if one must put a label on it i guess that might fit as well as any as most religions seem to have similarities. It seems to me, a deep understanding of Christian writings that we are all one in Christ also suggests that the only separation that exists between us is in thinking mind which through the normal senses makes us appear as separate. To me, there is a true nature or substrate of all things. Perhaps i can call it Spirit. And then there is flesh that is manifested from the unseen and to me the flesh has the more limited view and case for separation. Just some musings, Joseph
  18. Greetings Jack of Spades, Thanks for the introduction and A+ on your language. You are certainly not alone in your journey and like you I also " rely very much on my own personal experiential spirituality to show me the way" Again welcome and feel free to share your thoughts and views, Joseph
  19. This weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  20. follow-just-j, I would say it is here. Has it arrived ? In my view, it was never gone to now be arriving. It seems to me that in the sense of time it seems at first glance to "arrive" for an individual yet the experience itself leaves one with a sense that it was always present even though not previously sensed as such. Joseph
  21. Click HERE ------------------------------------------------> ProgressiveChristianity.org 2016 Awakenings Coference
  22. Thanks for the introduction and ...Welcome to the forum. You are among many here who appreciate Spong's writings and books. Joseph
  23. This weeks ProgressiveChristianity. org Weekly Recap
  24. Welcome back to to the forum Maida and thanks for the introduction. I hope you will find the openness in minds and hearts here that you seek. May we all "foster the positive parts of ourselves". Fortunately each day is a new start for each of us and that we need not be discouraged by our slips and falls. Joseph
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