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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. Rom, Yes i have the tools to do this. There was no finger pointing in the incident as i was in error myself by continuing in violation of the proposed guidelines for that particular forum. And yes hijack is a rather strong word.that is inaccurate concerning the intentions on any of our parts. A poor choice of a word on my part that i will remove . I do normally move threads as you propose that get off topic but i believed in this situation we were all remiss in our attention to guidelines and that a more appropriate thread without some of the previous posts could be started in the debate and dialog area by any wishing to . However i now have moved those posts that seemed appropriate for another thread to HERE. Thanks for your input, joseph
  2. You are quite right Jack, This area of the forum should not be used to debate such an issue. I apologize for not speaking up sooner and preventing this issue and for allowing it to get off-topic. Our guidelines in this area read ..... "This is a "safe place" for serious personal discussions and a place where we can get to know each other better by sharing the story we attach to our-self, our personal issues, challenges and the like. It is not a debate area nor a place for preaching or casual water cooler type talk. Any member can start a topic to share their story but respondents because of the purpose of this section should only be those who have read the 8 points and are in general agreement with all of them. The general tone of discussion should always be supportive in nature." JosephM (as Moderator) PS. I have split of off topic appropriate posts from this individual forum and thread to debate and dialog HERE. i regret participating and not acting sooner.
  3. Paul, i think the problem is in the the fact that some people use an old and narrow definition of atheism. Check this site out. AMERICAN ATHEISTS "Atheism is usually defined incorrectly as a belief system. Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Older dictionaries define atheism as "a belief that there is no God." Some dictionaries even go so far as to define Atheism as "wickedness," "sinfulness," and other derogatory adjectives. Clearly, theistic influence taints dictionaries. People cannot trust these dictionaries to define atheism." The foundation in Austrailia defines it like this... "The Foundation defines atheism as "the acceptance that there is no credible scientific or factually reliable evidence for the existence of a god, gods, or the supernatural." It rejects belief in God, the supernatural and superstition in general. " (from WIKI) I suppose if science comes up with some credible evidence they ( Australian Atheists) would change their mind? Joseph PS Personally i think the word Agnostic " a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God) makes for less argument.
  4. This weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  5. Ahh, There were 27 active members visiting or posting on this forum last month. There are an average of 10-15 guests at any one time that are reading or researching our database of almost 42,000 posts. We have 1588 total members but activity with those members varied from 17 to 31 each month for the past 12 months. Social media such as our PC on Facebook has taken much of our past forum activity. People seem to find Facebook more convenient. Also, people who are interested in more heated debates, normally don't stick around long because our discussions are kept more civil than most other religious/spiritual sites. Our official discussion board definition per se taken from http://progressivechristianity.org/message-boards/is ProgressiveChristianity.org discussion board is an internet support community of individuals, mostly consisting of but not limited to those that embraces pluralism and the eight points of Progressive Christianity. An internet place of reaching out and encouragement to those for whom organized religion has proved ineffectual, irrelevant, or repressive, as well as to those who have given up on or are unacquainted with it. A safe place of discussion and sharing of ones views and thoughts concerning the journey or quest for truth and spiritual discovery. A place of challenging discussions where participants come to both share and learn. A community that gets away from systematized, exclusive absolutes, and where intellectual honesty is much more likely to be valued. The discussion board welcomes all to participate, including but not limited to Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics, believers and agnostics, women and men, those of all sexual orientations and gender identities and those of all classes and abilities. Because of such a diversity of people and views, the discussion board is divided into individual forum each with its own guidelines and is strictly moderated without censorship or restriction of views yet with the requirement of mutual respect for others of differring views. A place where respect for the other and verbal behavior in discussions is more important than any view expressed. It’s a community of welcome without the bonds of having to accept the formal dogma and doctrines of man disguised as the church system, holy books, laws or rituals. JosephM(as Admin)
  6. Yes there definitely is room for both views. However, it is my experience here that we are in a minority among PC's with a view that attributes validity to the supernatural/gifts of the spirit.
  7. Jack, I'm am one of the few (as best i can recall) on here that identifies as PC and my experience attests to the existence of the spiritual gifts you mention. In my view, i don't think it would be prudent to create any additional labels as PC in general is not limited to OR by any individual doctrine or dogma or personal experience one might have. The 8 points are purposely void of such so that PC remains an individual journey for those who found an approach to God/the Sacred/ Oneness and Unity of all Life by following the path and teachings of Jesus. At least those teachings which through experience following have manifested fruit in the person such as peace, love, patience, kindness etc. Joseph
  8. Hello Ahh, Doing just fine today as most always. Retired and playing golf here in Florida 3 days a week among other things. Will be returning to Kentucky soon to spoil my grandchildren also. They are more fun than raising your own children as when one has had enough, one can leave. I would guess you are from the Midwest also perhaps, close to Kentucky and probably more accurately live or have lived in Illinois. Joseph
  9. Welcome and thanks for the introduction, Wish you had a shorter name to go by. lol Hoping you will find conversations here thought provoking and in the spirit of love and respect. Joseph
  10. Afterlife Awareness Conference 2016 Join Bishop John Shelby Spong and a diverse roster of theologians, scientists, mystics and medics for an extraordinary conference exploring life after death.
  11. KitKatMatt, Excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. I think that it can teach us that the letter of the law while broken is less important than ones motive. Sometimes it is hard to see when we are so committed to tradition and the law as black and white. (We do not hold a fireman guilty of speeding to a fire because his motive is for the greater and unselfish good.) While one may technically violates the letter of the law, the spirit of it can be kept in tact. In the end it seems that love is the greatest and most important gift one can give and receive as finally seen and shown by Fa Zhou. Thanks for the story, i have not seen the movie yet but after reading i think it would be a great movie to watch, Joseph
  12. This weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  13. Hi Josh, I am okay with you the way you are and find no need for you to be anything more than you are at this moment. In my view, one cannot force faith to appear. May your journey be fruitful and filled with peace. Welcome to the forum, Joseph
  14. Rom, I like or prefer the word prudent or wise instead of moral. Probably because many refer to it or consider morality in an absolute sense as right and wrong or good and bad which are precepts to regulate behavior or thought which i do not share . I am reminded of a writing attributed to Paul in Corinthians that essentially said. . "All things are lawful to me but all things are not expedient. " and again "All things are lawful to me but all things edify not" and in another place i think he said....... All things are lawful to me but i shall not allow myself to be brought under the power of any. I think he would agree that morals are not absolutes in the sense of right and wrong but rather lessons from which we can judge if they are contributing or useful to our individual or collective goals in life or opposing them. (ie: if i find it desirable or it is my goal to make friends, it would not be expedient to that purpose to be unsupportive of others or be unkind toward others) So while i agree actions may in my view or lessons i have experienced may not be expedient to my goals, i would not classify them as good or bad.... right or wrong... but perhaps wise or unwise according to my experience. Joseph
  15. Hi KitKatMatt, Personally, I find stories whether from a movie, book, or made up and passed down often contain principles or lessons that we can derive morals from. Morals more in the sense of what is prudent than what is right or wrong. In my view, morals in the sense of what is acting or showing care and thought for the future is wisdom and i think that is what you are referring to as living a 'good' life. Is that correct? While others may have a different view on what they personally consider good or wise for the future making it a subjective opinion, the movies and stories i find can help us see and avoid things that can often result in that which we consider undesirable to come into our personal lives. In that sense, i think i would enjoy and possibly benefit from reading your views and that of others on morals presented in different movies. Joseph
  16. Welcome Hoghead1, Glad to have you here and looking forward to hearing your theology views. Joseph
  17. Here is an interesting Thread on Star Trek that has been around for a while. Joseph
  18. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  19. Welcome KitKatMatt, Glad to have you here. In my view, guilt and shame rather than being constructive, for the most part tend to keep us in bondage . I think seeing that helps us to rise above it. May you be blessed to permanently break free of that cycle that you struggle with and enter the freedom and peace that comes with courage , acceptance, and reason. Again welcome, Joseph
  20. Greetings The Atheist, Welcome to the forum . Just a cautionary note to those who enjoy debating...... You are certainly welcome to share your views and debate with believers as long as you stay within our guidelines which means your views must be presented in a manner that is respectful of other viewpoints and does not seek to convert, coerce or attack. We are an open forum to all and do not insist that those who participate believe as outlined in the 8 points of PC. We are tolerant and can learn something from all viewpoints as long as there is no harm done. More info can be found on what we consider an inappropriate post HERE. As you can see from it, there is a line that attempts to keep debates more respectful and friendlier than you would find on most other sites. Again welcome, JosephM(as Admin)
  21. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  22. Welcome Ed, So glad you found something more meaningful for yourself. As with most here leaving behind such literalistic teachings and rituals you mentioned has been a breath of fresh air. Hoping you find discussions here thought provoking and to your satisfaction. Again Welcome and thanks for the introduction. Joseph
  23. Hi Rodge again and Bill, It seems to me that PC does not seek to make Jesus irrelevant but some here including myself do place more importance / value / relevance on the recorded teachings attributed to the man named Jesus (historical Jesus). We cannot prove that an actual man named Jesus as described existed ( though i personally don't doubt it) but we do have purported teachings that when put in practice are powerful and in my view, life changing. Therefor for me it doesn't create in me a need to argue or dispute whether he existed as such or not. Frankly it makes no difference to me since many of the recorded words / parables / teachings have resonated and brought forth fruit in my life. So while some may get the the impression that the man Jesus is irrelevant to me or PC, that would be in my view somewhat inaccurate as all do not share in any view i may hold. But yes, it doesn't matter to me whether someone proves or disproves his existence since i have teachings attributed to him that i value greater than the man himself. Just a clarification of my personal feelings, Joseph
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