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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. Derek, That would appear to take care of part of the issue but what they are saying is that a person ought to be able to choose either male or female restrooms whichever they feel the most appropriate to their self identity regardless of whether their organs match the conventional definition of male or female or not. We already have UNISEX bathrooms in many places but the directive from our administration .... The administration’s directive -- citing Title IX in telling schools to give transgender students access to all activities and facilities consistent with their gender identity . ​It seems to me it may make a minority more comfortable but at the expense of making a majority uncomfortable here in the US .
  2. What are your thoughts on the latest transgender issue that says people (school children and adults included) ought to be able to use the bathroom they are most comfortable with rather than matches their body parts. trans·gen·der transˈjendər,tranzˈjendər/ adjective denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender. Joseph
  3. Rom, To me, it doesn't matter whether this is somebody's dream or not. I am awareness, that knows I have being, whether in a dream or not. I know by awareness that I am, and there is a substrate to this existence or dream or whatever you wish to call it. This substrate i call God and I know God is present through awareness even if this knowing appears secret or hidden from others.To me, this is self-evident, and no proof or belief is required or even necessary. Such is to know. It seems to me, one cannot know God without first knowing Self and Self is more than merely an assumption for convenience of building a world view. Just musing Joseph
  4. I know that I exist. To me, it is self evident. Whether you can see me or hear me or agree with me is irrelevant.
  5. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  6. Larry, You are not alone. Why even try to reconcile the irreconcilable? Other than community it seems to me attendance at the place you mentioned will hold little that is constructive for you except to test your patience . Joseph
  7. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  8. Oh.... but it seems to me you do have evidence. If you see the Universe unfolding, is that not evidence in itself of intent? Intent perhaps incomplete if one looks to the non-existent future, which inevitably fails to see an end goal or purpose ... yet each moment of unfolding seems to me is a witness of universal intent in itself . Perhaps it goes unnoticed by many, yet each moment ... act, thought, or phenomenon contains an intrinsic intent/purpose. In essence there is no particular purpose external to itself. Therefore it is my view that you will not find evidence of intent as long as you are looking externally to the moment at question.. Joseph
  9. Derek, I enjoyed reading your posts here of which interest led me to read part of the Introduction included on Amazon.com for the book. I also read the quotes in the front of the book attributed to various authors. Enjoyed them but don't anticipate reading the book as It would take me years. When reading this type of content i only read a paragraph at time to absorb for the day. Here is a copyrighted poem you might enjoy that i wrote and attached to one of my books also titled poorly "Throwing Away God". A man can be about as happy, as he will allow himself to be; In spite of things and circumstance, that happen to you and me. A man can look outside himself, to find the reasons why; But the one that looks inside himself, will do more than just to try! A longer journey we all seek, and refuge we do find; But all our plans are spoiled at last, cause time leaves us behind. So if you understand my point, then you will never ask; To be satisfied by other, than the current ... present ... task. Joseph
  10. Fair enough Rom, We do look through a dark glass and often stumble upon more prudent ways of looking at things. As for intent...... i am not so careful and would suggest you are collectively part of that intent if we could actually divide it in pieces .... and ..... its intent if i might "confabulate", is to unfold.
  11. Rom, It seems to me that virtues or virtue pairs are useful to society in general. While one may consider them illusions or not, it seems to me they are actually part of the universe unfolding at this moment in time. Are they not? Who are we to say whether they should or shouldn't be necessary? ( rhetorical question ) You have made clear your desire to live without them but the universe seems to be using them with most to evolve. I am not saying one choice is better or worse than the other ..... or right or wrong ... just saying the universe is using them at this time in evolution and its unfolding and i am not in opposition to that. Joseph
  12. Rom, Fine on the first part of the question. Do you see these concepts or constructs (virtues) as being a positive influence to the evolution of society or the universe or would you call it just part of the unfolding or something else?
  13. Rom, How do you propose we move away from these constructs we call virtues and what will the benefits to society be if we do? Joseph Rom, How do you propose we move away from these constructs we call virtues and what will the benefits to society be if we do? Joseph
  14. Sorry Jack, Had a senior moment. My error . I see you choose to respond to the sticky thread in point 5 and this is the correct place. I got hung up on your topic title. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Joseph
  15. Jack, Its fine for you to post in the 8 points area but the posts should be related to your thoughts or discussion on point 5 or whatever point you post under. Point 5 ie: "The way we behave toward one another and toward other people is the fullest expression of what we believe" Joseph thread moved here from 8 points area
  16. This Weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
  17. Mr Wright, While you are most welcome to express your opinion/view concerning what you see the Kingdom as, and it may differ from others ... it is not necessary and welcomed here to say you find "this thread a whole lot of nonsense" regardless of apologizing with your first words. Try to keep your posts from speaking as if the others post is wrong or nonsense and merely say I disagree or see it differently and proceed to express your view or the way you see it and there will be no need for apologies. See our etiquette Policy here . JosephM (as Moderator)
  18. I think that atheists like others come from and have a variety of backgrounds and beliefs and convictions. But as a writer on American atheists points out .... "The only common thread that ties all atheists together is a lack of belief in gods and supernatural beings. " If that statement is true then..... lack of belief doesn't in my view mean close-minded although it seems to me there are close-minded people in all persuasions. Since i don't see God as traditionally defined by those taking the recorded literalist view of the Bible, i would think many from my background would also consider me Atheist. As Jim pointed out in his post, i also think that the question " Do you believe in God?" at least when posed to me by many is meaningless. There are too many conflicting definitions/concepts of God among those who profess to believe for there to be real meaning in a simple Yes/No answer. And to me, i find no need at this moment to even believe or disbelieve as God to me is not a question of belief but rather an undisputed ever-present reality, existence, creation and evolution itself as one, to say the least. Now if "I" was my mind (as in the brain that perishes) i would agree to being close-minded on the issue. Joseph
  19. Welcome back Annie, You are among many who stop back from time to time. Life can get busy at times and we all occasionally need a sabbatical or change of scenery.. Joseph
  20. Welcome Jim, Glad you found us. Feel free to share your thoughts. Yes Music can be very uplifting and i share your feeling on the sometimes meaningless words. It is that which is beyond words that we seek anyway. Again Welcome, Joseph
  21. Rom, As with most major religions, there are to be found some good original foundation teachings and one may find much agreement between them once you separate it all from the multitude of chaff masking those teachings. Thanks for the post above. Joseph
  22. This weeks ProgressiveChristianity.org Weekly Recap
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