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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. Gismys, Most of us here have already read the Bible multiple times along with other religious books. There is no need to just continue to quote verses in it (the Bible) in topic after topic without discussing your interpretation or view about it and asking others their opinion. You said "real Truth and wisdom is found in God's Word (I assume you mean the Bible) not in any little man's idea or opinion" . If you are not open to opinions or alternative views you are wasting your time here on this site. If you refuse to share your own thoughts and respect others whose views may differ and are just going to continue to post verses, i will be forced to delete your posts as spam. If you are just unfamiliar with what Progressive Christianity is about here i would recommend reading THIS THREAD all the way through to see what members here have to say. Please be advised this is a discussion board, not a God's word bulletin board. In peace, JosephM (as Moderator)
  2. Gismys, I moved your 2 topics to debate and dialog because it appears you may not come under our general label of a Progressive Christian. To post in that individual forum one must be in agreement with the principles of the 8 points of PC. The other forums here such as debate and dialog would be ok for anyone regardl;ess of how they self identify.. Each forum area has guidelines for that particular individual forum. If i am perhaps mistaken and you do agree in principle to the 8 points of PC please let me know. Thanks, Joseph
  3. Hello Gismys, Welcome to the Progressive Christianity forum where dogma and doctrine are less important than behavior and respectful sharing.. It appears from searches you have been banned from a number of forums. While we welcome all, please familiarize yourself with our pinned topics HERE, especially the one on Just what is an uncompassionate post. Thanks for your anticipated cooperation. JosephM ( as Moderator )
  4. B Alan Wallace says .... "Physicists in the late nineteenth century, when the scientific study of the mind began, regarded matter as stuff reducible to small particles and endowed with mass and spatial location. But twentieth-century physics, especially quantum mechanics, undermined this notion, replacing discrete particles of matter with the theory that all configurations of mass-energy consist of oscillations of immaterial, abstract quantities in empty space. At the most fundamental level, matter isn’t made of matter" Now that is just a theory but so it is with all science as it is over time discarded for a better working model. Therefore i personally wouldn't dismiss it as woo until we find a better replacement theory. Joseph
  5. JosephM


    Paul I think its not the jarrah wood that is expensive as it is common in Australia ... only the burl of those abnormal ones. They do make wonderful vases and Cigar Humidors that are quite expensive here. Even a small slice 2 " thick can run over $100 .
  6. To me, inconsistencies and contradictions, while they indeed "show the need for deeper consideration" reveal to me that one must be careful to examine ones own experience, reason and science in light of what is written (with emphasis on experience). Sometimes that results in acceptance and other times i find it necessary to put aside at least for the time being until it can be tested or unless further light is shown. In my view, i have found this true of the contents of many more books than the Bible which indicates , at least at this time, that either no writing is Holy or many writings are Holy depending how you wish to define that term. Joseph.
  7. JosephM


    Burl, If you have it stored as a URL somewhere just click on IMAGE in the "reply to this topic" box and reference the URL. Like This ... https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=346C40A0ACA16499&resid=346C40A0ACA16499%21172&authkey=AG121az_XAWp_dA or you can use LINK LIKE THIS or just copy and paste like this
  8. This Weeks Progressive Christianity Weekly Recap can be found HERE
  9. Burl, I agree with you. God "chooses to work through unlikely people". Yet it seems to me we are all included as "unlikely people " and God is working in and through each of us no matter the position. If one could say Trump is chosen as a leader and divine vessel by God then in my mind one can also say that each of us are chosen as subjects and divine vessels. Howbeit some are vessels of honor and some of dishonor yet all are vessels made of clay by the Divine. 2 Tim 2:20 If we are all articles in the Masters house and it contains not only vessels of gold and silver but of wood and clay, some for honorable use, but others for common use. Nevertheless are not ALL vessels owned by and subject to God's Will? What man can resist the evolutionary pull of the Divine? Joseph
  10. Those are basically areas that came with the software platform but not activated for use by members. Fonts for text can be selected at the top of the reply window along with a number of other functions used for posting.
  11. Welcome Man Martin, It is indeed a great relief to know one is not alone in matters of faith and relationships. Like many others here who have become disillusioned by promoted religions claiming exculsive truth i have found forums such as this refreshing. It is good to be able for the most part to share views without prejudice or judgement. Welcome to the forum. Joseph
  12. Good point Annie, It seems to me also that passing through that same territory helps make us more understanding of other behaviors and beliefs. In my view it is a requirement that is needed for some and some others seem to bypass that stage of journey as not needed. It reinforces to me that it is an individual journey of experience with multiple paths that appear to lead to the same end in the fullness of time. Joseph
  13. Sorry Rom, I already put it to an hour from 30 minutes for members but just noticed you were a senior member . Just went in and changed seniors members to an hour also.
  14. Video seems to suggest we live our lives as if there is free will but with most probable thought process that it is an illusion.
  15. Byrch, Thanks for your clarification. It seems to me each person is entitled to their own view on the issue of qualifiers. I am certainly not against one whose path dictates tightly held labels especially the 2 basic ones you mention even though i can also say as you, i do not share those literal beliefs as commonly understood by many. Of course, here in Progressive Christianity at least on this forum, we, (as i think you would also agree) do not feel it is appropriate behavior to allow others to call others non-Christian based upon any individual understanding whether basic or otherwise based on dogma or doctrine . If one has found an approach to God through the teachings of Jesus we do not oppose them self- labeling themselves Christian, Progressive Christian or otherwise nor do we take any stance that attempts to strip them of their right to call themselves as they wish. I think you will find PC'ers being on a path, whereby it does not seem we are endowed at this time with full knowledge of what beliefs or dogma should actually defines a follower of Jesus, do not claim any exclusive absolutes. Some feel comfortable with that and others have a problem with our loose definitions outlined in the 8 points of PC. We feel that the way a person behaves toward another is the fullest expression of what they really believe and prefer not to judge labels or define them so tightly as to exclude them. I personally acknowledge that labels do serve a purpose for many during communications but to me the more important issue is allowing people to freely share their views without others judging them for it. Joseph
  16. Greeting Ecc3, Thanks for the introduction. Feel free to share or just listen in as you see fit. Glad to have you here and hoping you will benefit from the exchanges in our large database. It seems to me your "experiencing God" is much more fruitful than just experiencing church. Again welcome, Joseph
  17. Welcome Byrch, It seems to me that no qualifiers are really needed. Labels seem to me to try and box one in as if a single word can describe a relationship. To me, Progressive Christianity is not about dogmas or a belief system. It is more as a fellow member Mike one said " a path that embraces pluralism and gets away from systematized, exclusive absolutes, and where intellectual honesty is much more likely to be valued." If people want to define Christianity by dogma, laws, rituals and the like, it seems to me they only limit their own journey by obstacles they have allowed to cloud their vision. Sometimes it is even a necessary path. How can truth surface without one first removing that which is false and how will one recognize that which is false unless one has come to its dead end whether by reason or experience? Anyway, Good to have you here and sharing , Joseph
  18. Perhaps you have your moments of awareness?... Perhaps you use different words to describe such? What do i know of your present state? Anyway, thanks for sharing and be well and in peace.
  19. Paul, i agree it is cisgender people who are the problem for our youth and children. Real transgenders are usually victims rather then predators. The problem with the directive as written that upsets people i know is that of removing the gender identity of all bathrooms and lockerooms. that opens up a Pandora's box for cisgenders that would take advantage of the situation.because the criteria in the Presidents directive was too loose. Anyone could just walk in any bathroom or lockerroom without question. I don't think even California allows that. Afterall there are some real weirdos in that state. Of course none that read here on this forum.
  20. Rom, I can understand you not wanting to be labeled a heretic. However, it seems to me, many great strides have been made by those who have been labeled such in the past..
  21. Rom, It seems to me that many of the letters attributed to Paul in the NT speak of this oneness in Christ many times. Also John indicates in Chapt 1:1-4 that the logos was with God in the beginning and its what created all things that were made and that life was the light of all mankind. ( my wording and emphasis) Also one that speaks to me as the real mystery from a Christian standpoint isl Col 1:26-27 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people. 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. In a nutshell, the Christian is to sacrifice or die to self to reveal the Christ in himself which is the presence of God or becoming as One. Christ is not a single person as in Messiah as often defined. It is more in the Greek as coming from root words as smearing together with God .
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