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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. ProgressiveChristianity.org weekly Recap
  2. Previously written and posted by myself and re-posted here. It seems to me this is a good read for all, not for debate but for reflection. Joseph It seems only natural, that we as humans seek a reason why, to such things as the happenings of life, the deep questions of our purpose and meaning and such. Is this not part of the purpose why religions have sprung up all over the globe. Even if they have veered in their purpose, were they not a response or attempt to answer these questions to satisfy the curiosity of our nature? Often times it seems we are content to receive these answers as truth because they are generally accepted. Sometimes they seem logical and sometimes not. That brings us to the topic of uncertainty. Can we live with the realization that uncertainty is closer to reality than the answers that seem to make sense for a time. Only to be uncovered as flawed because of projecting human limitation on that which cannot be seen but is the source of all that is seen? Uncertainty is all around us daily, we drive on the roads and live with the uncertainty that the driver on the other side will not pull over in our lane at the last second. We live with the uncertainty that in the next moment the earth could swallow us up in one of natures unexpected disasters, whether it be earthquakes, asteroids, lightning, tidal waves, economic collaspse, famine or wahtever. Yes we live with uncertainty all around us, Will we be the victim of some deraged killer, abandonment by our spouse or best friend, or a myriad of other possibilities? What's wrong with uncertainty? After all, no matter how much preparations we make, can we really avoid a catastrophy that we have no way of seeing? Is uncertainty just something we refuse to live with? Living with uncertainty is only as difficult as we make it because no matter how many bases we cover or precautions we take, uncertainty remains. It is a reality of this world and it is built in to human existence. Once we accept it as a natural limitation of existence here, we can as the flowers and grass do, do what we were designed to do. Increase and mutiply and replenish and care for the earth with all its creatures. The flower does not say, why show i grow and show beauty because perhaps tomorrow i will suffer drought, be stepped on or eaten by insects. Neither do the tree seeds say i will stay up here or on the ground lest i grow and a mighty wind or fire overtake and destroy me. No, life goes on in all its uncertainty doing that whatever is in its design to do. We humans, being more complex, seem at times to allow the thinking mind to make a life of its own. In fearful thoughts of the uncertainty that come from where we do not know, it separates itself from life and creates it own identity. Whose perceived existence is strenghtened by entertaining these fearful thoughts which serve to perpetuates more fear and uncertainty and separation. So what can humans do with uncertainty? We can realize that uncertainty is no an enemy. It is the nature of the thinking mind and not of life. Life itself is not subject to the tenets of uncertainty because we know that Life is energy and it cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change form. To identify with that Life is to live life in trust and peace without fear of uncertainty. Life is living in the moment in harmony with the whole. Life is not doing nothing about things but rather in a sense like the flower and trees making internal ajustments in harmony with surrounding stimuli. Life is doing the best with what we have been given and not allowing the mind to attach itself to results. Why? Because while results have measures of predictability based on our experience, they always contain an element of uncertainty. This could be because of unforseen elements. our limited human perception and perspective, or our uncertain nature of the whole. In conclusion, it seems to me that to live predominantly with joy and peace in our life , there has to be an ultimate trust in Life itself. Call it God , Reality, the Unknown, the Unnamed, Being, or whatever label you like. It seems to me, it is that trust without boundaries that will bring you joy and peace in the uncertainty that is part of this life.
  3. "What is" is simply that which is now. Some people like to say... "it is what it is" ...... Some use the word " suchness " It is not forever, it is reality right now. To many , it is nonsense.
  4. Tariki, Yes, too many "may haves" at least for me to take a position at this time. Your statement " all discrimination is wrong " may need clarification as i don't see how discriminating who my children associate with is wrong. The military here definitely discriminates rejecting those they deem unfit for service whether with physical or mental disabilities. At one time they discriminated against gays because it caused internal problems with the ranks due to prejudices within. Of course, much of that has changed as education and a new generation came forth. So perhaps it was necessary at the time but is no longer a factor at the present? Perhaps the transgender thing will also take some time.?
  5. Thomas, To do something about bullying or any other similar example, it seems to me one must first accept its reality. Acceptance to me is not agreement with a thing as right or wrong, From a spiritual point of view, it is more an internal space or vantage point of peace from which action can emanate without internal resistance, anger, malice, judgmentalism or any other negative states of consciousness associated with the mind. It seems to me, from that vantage point of acceptance one can more easily act out of compassion and wisdom. I admit the word acceptance to many does have an implication of non-action or agreement or consent but that is of course not the lntended spirit that i am using it in.
  6. That certainly sounds true to me also Thomas . However, acceptance does not exclude action. i would add that it seems to me that wiser actions come out only after acceptance of what is. Resistance to what is (non acceptance or resistance) in my experience does not provide clarity of mind.
  7. Tariki, I don't know whether that news is accurate or not either, (it sure may be) but what does seem strange is the retired generals and admirals for the most part had the ban in place during, at least for the largest part of their service since it was just lifted during the Obama administration. It would seem to me to carry more weight to hear from the current group of active generals and admirals that have had to deal with the issue and had experience both with and without the ban in place.
  8. It seems to me that many people love a person because that person has what they might consider lovable traits. On the other hand it seems to me acceptance of all things created is closer to biblical love because it is closer to love being unconditional. Words are always lacking but i would say, to me, perhaps true love is neither physical or romantic but rather "true Love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be." To me that is Creation As Is and synonymous with God ..... but i will try to not get stuck on a group of vowels and consonants comprising words..
  9. Perhaps it is not yet officially policy Burl but it seems to me that the president is the commander and chief of the armed services and whether it is a tweet or not he has the power . Perhaps it is worth mentioning... Under former President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Ash Carter lifted the ban on transgender military service in June 2016, allowing current transgender troops to serve openly and beginning a yearlong process for the military branches to determine how they would incorporate new transgender people into active service. Trump can unilaterally re-instate that ban. His tweet..... "After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow … Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military," Trump wrote in a string of three tweets Wednesday morning. "Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming … victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you." Now i have no position on his view concerning his intentions because perhaps he and his generals know more about what makes a cohesive effective military more than i. I did serve 4 years way back in the 60's and can see where valid reasons might have been present then but i am interested on others take on it in the present.
  10. I think Love is more an acceptance of all things as they are in the moment, .... both which we may deem good or bad. Cancer is cancer, not desirable to most all of us but still a part of creation and therefore inseparable from it. If God is All in All, then there are no exceptions to me. Personally, i do not try to separate God from anything. Just my 2 cents. Joseph
  11. ProgressiveChristianity.org weekly Recap
  12. ProgressiveChristianity.org weekly Recap
  13. Paul, It seems to me it is difficult to get the straight news even here. Media is slanted on both sides. Check this site out for your 20+ million loss of health care data just to get an idea of what we have to deal with here in news reporting which seems nothing more than a battle of words between Republicans and Democrats to gain control of the people. I really don't know what the truth is but i have from experience come to the current conclusion that data is most often manipulated by those in power of the news.
  14. Welcome to the community Anthony. There are more ex-clergy here. Enjoy your stay here. Joseph
  15. That seems to me to be normal , as the mind has trouble grasping such words that are only pointers to something and the moment they are conceptualized they miss that which they point to.
  16. ProgressiveChristianity.org weekly Recap. HEREhttp://mailchi.mp/progressivechristianity/weekly-recap-july-18-2017?e=4818d6a086
  17. First of all, i never did drugs but in my earlier years i had read Edgar Casey and was in to dream interpretation and control of dreams while in a dream state. In doing so i had a number of vivid experiences with astral projection similar to what this writer describes in this article HERE.. During my later time as a minister and Evangelist associated with a non-denominational church in Cincinnati Ohio, i experienced a number of what i call powerful moments whereby many of the reported gifts of the spirit in 1st Corinthians Chapt 12 materialized in my life. Events that some might consider supernatural and others would just explain away or claim as fraud. Any other questions i would be happy to answer by the PM system here. Joseph
  18. Perhaps you haven't read the news HERE . We are now financially self-sustaining and site sponsors have the option to advertise. Only 1 has taken advantage of that perk so far. It will rotate between advertisements automatically and show up after the 1st post of each page. . Perhaps you might be interested? Joseph
  19. ROM, Perhaps none, Perhaps it depends on ones choice of words, where one is viewing it from and their awareness or realization of its source.
  20. I can see that ..... if spoken metaphorically .
  21. I personally don't see how God could ever stop communicating with people of any faith. People could ignore communications but to me it would be impossible for God not to be present regardless of religion or lack of, past or present. My view is that by one method or another God is speaking always to all people in all places.
  22. Hi lani, As you point out having children is, at least for most, a natural function from a biological point of view. To me, guilt is a product of judgement. Perhaps you judge yourself too much for something that is ingrained and normal and carry the weight (burden) of their future on your shoulders. The future to me is to be planned for but it is hypothetical in nature and not for the thinking mind to be lived in. I would recommend for you Eckhart Tolle best seller book, "The Power of Now". Joseph
  23. Rom, In this context divine revelation means of or relating to a revealing (revelation) from ones innermost being where a connection is felt or sensed with ones source of life (God). On the light side, it can be an "extremely delightful" experience. Joseph PS Some might use the words "divine intuition" and others might just leave off the word divine and use the word "intuition" but perhaps they all 'point' to the same source?
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