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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. Can freethinkers go to church regularly for service but still remain as freethinkers?
  2. Do you think that religion in general has had a positive or negative effect on the world? Can you give some examples?
  3. They have started having problems in this area with numerous sites. There is a router fix to correct. Many people in the villages area are having same type of problems that use them on forums. Joseph http://downdetector.com/status/centurylink/news/212137-problems-at-centurylink
  4. Just updated to latest rev to see if that would help but don't know what the problem would be. as yet. Do they use Century Link as router provider?
  5. Burl, Works okay for me. Using Windows 10 and Chrome here. Joseph
  6. Thanks for the summation Thomas. I see where you are coming from. I have no problem with your view. Thanks again, Joseph
  7. Thomas and Burl, I would be interested in reading a short summary response of your opinion/view on "What you see as the underlying causes of our will?" Thanks in advance for any summary response you might give . Joseph (as Member)
  8. That may be in your mind but just to be clear here..... The inference was there in my mind and the mind of others you were addressing so take my advice and refrain from using words that are not necessary to the conversation.
  9. I would agree with you that we all are all ignorant in some respects. I don't suppose that anyone here would disagree with that. And yes, ignorance is not a sin. But the fact still remains that although one is allowed to claim ignorance for oneself, we cannot have a civil and beneficial conversation with one applying that word to another in a discussion where two disagree. It is considered rude and unnecessary to an argument or debate. I think i have said enough for you to get the idea of my point.. Joseph(as Moderator)
  10. Rom, I think some views, (opinions), even though/if they might be correct or based on a more thorough examination of perceived existing evidence , are better left unsaid when it comes to the word ignorant or inference that a view is pinned to just our perceptions as if that is inferior to our own on a particular matter. Don't you think so ?. As it doesn't seem to me to play out very well in a conversation or civil discussion that way. Joseph (as Moderator) PS While i agree we all might be ignorant in certain areas of expertise, the word itself carries a definition ... lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated ... which does not seem to benefit conversations on this forum.
  11. I had no intention to say anything was right or wrong. Only wondering why so many seem to focus so much on Russia's actions rather than clean our own house first. I don't see it as right or wrong , just a fact of current political life. It seems to me that countries have had and still do have favorites they would like to see in power in other countries. It's understandable to me. Personally I am no more excited about their meddling than our own. Yes, the current administration inherited an already recovering economy but I don't think our current policy is hurting it any. Time will tell. Trump seems to be shaking up Washington and all the opposition / media can focus on is his past personal life. What a joke. ?
  12. Perhaps as bad as it looks to many, Trump may be just what the Doctor ordered. ? Even if he is a hard pill to swallow. ?
  13. Thomas, It seems to me we have been influencing and interfering with other countries and their elections for decades. Is it ok for us but not for Russia? Also IMO it's about time somebody attacked the news media for slanted reporting. I think Russia was doing us a favor if they reported anything that was true. While no one wants their emails hacked, i personally think in this case the information was an eye opener for the American people. Joseph
  14. I'm still ok. He seems to be doing a good job of shaking up the establishment. Perhaps we need to give him more time? He is certainly a different kind of leader than we are accustomed to.
  15. Software upgraded to Version 2.4.8 which includes some bug fixes and security issues. Please report any new problems that may arise. Thanks , Joseph
  16. Davidsun, It seems to me that not everyone who relates to the label of Progressive Christian is at the same progression in their journey. Hence there is bound to be some confusion on points. Perhaps they will never be stated to satisfy all. The 8 points are very general in nature and subject to change as they did in 2011 . Each time they change people seem to be alienated but that is the nature of change and progressiveness. In my view, individuals seem to either grow or prefer to remain fixed and comfortable in their current place in their journey. Anyway, David, it is good to review our etiquette here because we allow people to self label themselves without being told different or that they are not a Christian or PC. (That is taboo here) That may be your understanding or misunderstanding but it is best left unsaid. Many here have come from painful backgrounds where they have been told all manner of accusations from sometimes well meaning people who themselves thought they had a corner on truth only to find later that it is a growth process. I think people grow in their journey not when they are told they are wrong or mistaken but rather when they hear something that has real meaning or truth in it and that they are able to relate to and are ready to receive. PaulS has in my view, come a long way and has had great progression in his journey since i have know him. He seems to me to have committed himself to study, learning and to be comfortable with both uncertainty and change which can be a difficult path at times. I admire his purposefulness and dedication to growth and trust him explicitly in his understanding and ability to run this forum as Moderator and Assistant Administrator according to our purpose or charter. JosephM (as Admin)
  17. Thomas, I took it that he meant JosephM, i just didn't bother to correct him. Joseph
  18. Burl, You should know better by now. Drama is far from the purpose of this forum.. Comments such as that one to Romansh add nothing to the discussion. If that is what you believe it is best left unsaid on this forum and kept to oneself. https://progressivechristianity.org/message-boards/ JosephM (as Admin)
  19. JosephM


    Paul, I leave the number 666 or 616 to the mathematicians. To me, i found it just another side road on the journey. There are indeed people here in the US, who, in my view are obsessed with it as they are with "The Catching away" or so called " Rapture" . Joseph
  20. Shiraz is also one of my favorites. (Yellow Tail). Of course all years are not the same with some being in my view superior to others. I usually let them age a few years before i partake and find a noticeable improvement. With no basements in Florida i no longer have the space for such and my tastebuds are not what they used to be.
  21. David, It seems to me all actions have consequences to some degree, especially in this life now and perhaps in the future. Yes , I am of the persuasion that Paul follows those teachings of Jesus that speak to him and is living a life in line with his present understanding of those teachings. And i accept your retraction with peace and joy.
  22. David, I for one, am ok with your style. Also i am pleased that you enjoy it / receive some personal benefit from it. It may not edify all but as you say, one can take it or leave it for what it is. Joseph
  23. I hear you David. It is my understanding that is many times lacking.
  24. I think Paul's points are valid. He seems fine with it if this is all there is and if not, and if he is wrong ...., so what..... he will be pleasantly surprised. It seems to me too many people focus on the afterlife and miss out on this life. Just my 2 cents, Joseph
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