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Everything posted by asoliver

  1. I agree that people in need should have their needs met first. The love that goes into the service should be the message that wins the heart of the recipient (I believe this is the path of Jesus Christ). I also think that the first amendment right of the constitution of the U.S. allows for what may be misguided dogma to be communicated to the recipient of the service provided. It is when the government takes (under threat of penalty) money from the pockets of Hindus, Muslems, Buddhists, Jews, Atheists, etc. and gives it to a service provider that the line is drawn by the same constitutional amendment that all evangilizing must cease. In my humble opinion, both government and religion are ill-served when this line is crossed. There are plenty of secular aid organizations that the government can tap into and if the religious aid groups are hurting for funds, they should go to their faithful to find out why. Jesus didn't say "Give unto Ceasar so that he can give unto the religion of his choosing." With Love for God through Jesus, Andrew
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