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Everything posted by plattsburgh_peace

  1. Hello all, I stumbled across this website and I have found SO many interesting and informative comments on the message boards. This is a wonderful forum for sharing ideas! I'm not a regular message-boards-person, so please forgive me if my wording is awkward or if I don't understand "message board etiquitte" too well... I am just interested in what people think about groups like Fred Phelps & the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) who, via their "love crusades", agressively spread a message of hate to anyone who will listen. We are expecting the WBC in Plattsburgh, NY this July, and a group of community members (including local political figures, educators, religious leaders) has formed to try to peacefully prepare for the anticipated pickets and all that will come along with them. We have a website that can fill you in about our mission, structure, and events at www.plattsburghforpeace.com, and I'd really love some feedback or ideas from anyone who might have some input or even experience on the subject. If you want to get in touch with me, my email is plattsburgh_peace@yahoo.com. Thanks so much! Amy MacLeod Co-Chairperson, Plattsburgh For Peace www.plattsburghforpeace.com plattsburgh_peace@yahoo.com
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