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Everything posted by John56

  1. Look at covid right now how many people have died how the world has virtually stopped from a virus ? A virus is a parasite for decades we have had drugs like Invermicten , and the malaria drug Plaquenil Trump took that kills parasites . A few doctors have come out proving it works against covid . Still they let people die in hospitals because big pharma that controls the medical association wont make tens of billions off their vaccines . A few scientists have also proved a virus can be killed with high frequency sound waves just as we all have seen a opera singer shattering glass. It breaks the membrane around the parasites .Still the money people behind the institutions that give out the grants to the scientists wont fund research on this. Or a doctor will lose their license if they prescribe a parasite killing drug ? So what we need to understand there is a power elite that controls science just as there is one that controls most religions And science has been hijacked by materialism which says there is nothing beyond this universe . E= mc2 do some simple division matter = energy " everything " is energy you don't have to physicist to understand this .Now think back to when you were a kid in a pool and some other kid slapped the water and sent another wave at you that splashed over you .Well you quickly figured out if you did the same thing the wave of water would be nullified .That's called wave dynamics meaning we can use energy to overcome energy . So therefore if everything is energy that is in the form of light waves " Let there be light ! " we can direct our thoughts or words ( prayers ) ENERGY to change conditions in the world ? A materialist will firmly deny this yeah I must be crazy I don't know anything about "real "science ? . What if Jesus Christ knew this and his so called miracles where because he changed the energy in a situation ? Healed the withered hand , Just Ideas to ponder I don't to want to see Christianity die because its not helping people in todays age not answering their questions about life helping them. So many people are suffering from depression out there I hear their stories on forums how they want to die ..When they could be helped by the teachings of Jesus if they were explained and internalized .
  2. I use the spoken word which is a very powerful tool to change conditions in myself or the world . Since everything is energy as Einstein proved when we speak something we are sending out a energy impulse of a higher frequency to overcome all negative energy . God said , " Let there be light " There are many useful affirmations , invocations out there depending on what conditions you want to change in yourself or the world . I also try and still the mind everyday which helps .
  3. I just wanting to learn from others and share my observations . I happy people want to progress Christianity making it relevant to todays world .
  4. Jesus Christ told us be ye wise as a serpent harmless as a dove .To be wise as a serpent you have to know there are serpents . What we call today narcissists , psychopath They are out there always seeking power and privileges for themselves .We see them in world entertainment , politics .What is the most power in the world ? Religions standing between people and their god. So after time most religions become corrupted with the wolves in sheep clothing .Those that appear like whited sepulchre , but are filled with dead men's bones . They take over a religion turning into a tool to control people as we saw with the Roman Catholic Church that was from its inception was a political tool for Constantine to unite his empire . Destroying the example Jesus gave us of a path to follow . Jesus said I will send you another the Comforter the Holy Spirit to guide you . The Holy Spirit bloweth where it listeth it cant be contained in any dogmas , rituals . There is no room for spirit to come in most religions .
  5. Well Jesus Christ 2000 years ago brought forth a new age that can't be denied .Look at the known history before Jesus and look at the world today how far mankind has come . Jesus questioned the established church its doctrines its priests who were keeping the people trapped that they alone where the mediators between God and man . Jesus brought forth new higher teachings about God , heaven that went against the established norms of the Jews then . Ironic people today aren't willing to accept any higher teachings on God thinking they only have to follow their church doctrines just as the Jews thought .When Jesus said , " There are many things I could say , but you aren't ready for them now " That was 2000 years ago when will people be ready ?
  6. The kingdom of God I internalize from Jesus teachings that it is a state of mind . That's why he said over and over the kingdom of God is at hand . Meaning right now this very second we can experience it by following the teachings Jesus gave us . Being as a child having a open mind to new things, teachings not trapped in a mental box we never question. Looking at the beam in our eye which means working on our psyche uncovering the ego and all its workings . Overcoming the mass consciousness the herd mentality that Jesus called the prince of this world . Putting on the wedding garment which to me means raising my awareness consciousness .
  7. Then why is mainstream science denying the importance of quantum physics ? That how a scientist thinks can change the course of a experiment which proves consciousness is everything . Consciousness is how things evolve through the energy of the mind not Darwin's out dated theory based on observations from his limited views 150 years ago still be taught ? Two random events dont create another random event that build on it until a new life form is created ? Even the fallacy of the big bang is still being taught ? When scientists have discovered the universe is expanding at a accelerated rate . Where is the energy coming from after the initial explosion ? Even the full understanding of e=mc2 that " everything is energy " is being denied and what that signifies ?
  8. The problem is when modern people read the Bible they think with linear, rational mindset like lawyers .Woe unto ye lawyers as Jesus said ye have taken away the key of knowledge .In ancient times thought in a mythical way they saw the symbolism in stories .Just 2 people could never create all of humanity its biologically impossible . Just as Noah's Ark if there was only two animals of everything how did they feed the lions ? Its symbolism its wasn't the entire world was covered in water , but their world was which was as far as they could see . Why would God put a snake in the garden ? the serpent represents serpentine thinking .That tries to put doubt in peoples minds as the serpent said surely you will not die .
  9. Well the Creator didn't create hell , but such a place exists . It was created by life streams those who rebelled against God and his law of freewill . In their intense anger at God they are burning up inside that's why its perceived as a place of fire .Its also been called the astral plane or emotional realm which is the lowest level that is right over us .That's why people who taken drugs , suicide have all described a similar place .
  10. Most science today has become a religion where we now have a priesthood of scientists , educators , who reside in there ivory towers of higher education. Never questioning their beliefs on materialism and putting down others who do . There just as the clergy was in the middle ages when scientists came out with discoveries that questioned church doctrine . Its ironic that when scientists proved the earth wasn't the center of the universe and that the sun didn't revolve around the earth that those beliefs were wrong it started Christian fundamentalism . Where the followers believed in the literal view of the Bible when people in those times thought in a mythical way . That's why Jesus taught in parables to the masses . Now materialism science is the same closed system as the Catholic church was in Europe killing anyone who went against their doctrine just as science today crucifies anyone who opposes their beliefs that there is nothing more than the material world . Even though quantum physics has proved since the 1920's a physicist can observe a particle appear and than disappear in a experiment so where does it go ? Where is the energy coming from that is causing the expansion of the universe and a ever increasing rate ?
  11. When I think about how big the universe is with billions and billions of galaxies . How light hasn't even reached us from the farthest distance of the universe . I think the Creator would have created a way for its creation no matter how far it got lost from God to reconnect . And when Jesus says no one comes back to the father , but through the son he was talking about the mind of Christ .Where in a instant by tuning into Jesus through him or his words we can reconnect back to the formless God . Where we get that feeling that can't be explained with words just experienced .
  12. I try to follow the path that Jesus taught the kingdom of God is within you .So I work on my psychology trying to overcome the beam in my eye which is our ego. Letting my eye be single Seeing that black and white thinking ,is the cause of most of the problems in the world the knowledge of good and evil . I understand what Paul meant when he said, " I die daily " and work on that .. Seeing my limiting beliefs that hold me back and attempting to let them go .
  13. I Am A Thinking Christian , Psychology of Evil , by Kim Michaels
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