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Everything posted by ckangell@earthlink.net

  1. It's interesting that you associate the charismatic aspects of Christianity with the mystical aspects of New Age thought. I hadn't made that association but it makes sense. I assume that your critique of such endeavors also applies to Christian, Jewish, and Islamic mystic practices. While I don't necessarily agree that Reason and Mysticism are mutually exclusive, I do agree that any practice dealing with mystical aspects of our nature have to be approached with sobriety and a solid footing. As I understand, traditional students of the Kabbalah, are required to be married, in part I believe to help them maintian a clear headed and well grounded approach to their esoteric practice. Personally I feel that much of what Christ is purported to have done - the healing miracles and the raising of the Lazarus - would seem to fall outside the realm of reason, although I have also heard the notion that reason and mysticism ultimately lead to the same end. But, while mysticism may be a wilder ride so to speak, it does appear that many participants do in fact "Lose Touch" on this path.
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