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Everything posted by vivaldian67

  1. Is the podcast available on their website? I'll have to check that out. Sounds wonderful. I agree totally about Compline being a beautiful service. The language used is very reflective. It's a very peaceful way to close the day.
  2. Sorry, I know there's a lot of different traditions represented here and not everyone will be familiar with this. The Daily Office is a cycle of prayer used in the more liturgical traditions of Christianity (Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox etc.). Each church has their own version and use slightly different terminology. The Daily Office is the Anglican term. It's a development of the prayer services used in the monasteries like Matins, Lauds, Vespers and so on, that were said at various points during the day. There are four services in the Anglican version, Morning, Noonday, Evening and, my personal favourite, Compline. There's a great website, http://www.missionstclare.com that has all the offices online. Complie is actually a good one to start with because it's quite brief. It's meant to be said just before bed. I find it very soothing.
  3. It's amazing how people arrive at Progressive Christianity from different angles! There's those, like you, who were more traditional Christians, then there's those like me who were atheists. And God only knows what other backgrounds are represented here.
  4. Does anyone else here use The Daily Office as part of their spiritual life? I've found it to be a great way to spend a bit of time each day away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and to connect with the Divine.
  5. Thanks to everyone for the replies. I've been reading some other threads and this seems like a very open-minded forum. It's great to have somewhere like this where one can discuss this sort of thing without being preached at or be the subject of an attempted conversion.
  6. Hi everyone. I'm not quite sure how to begin this...not really sure if I'm here to ask questions, or just ramble a little and see if anyone feels interested enough to comment. Anyway, here goes. For the past few months I've felt myself being drawn back to some sort of spiriruality. For quite some time I considered myself an atheist (though not of the anti-theist type). Now, I'd say I'm more of an agnostic, but one who feels that spiritual matters have an important role in our lives. To me it seems that all spiritual paths are ways that we, as humans, connect to something that is somehow 'beyond' us. I don't know whether that something is real in any objective sense. Sometimes it feels like it is, but our minds are strange things and can fool us so easily. Yet another reason for my agnosticism. I do feel very strongly drawn to the story of Christ. Of course, as someone who was raised as an Anglican, I suppose it's only natural that the faith of my childhood would have more resonance with me than other paths. That said, I have always felt a certain attraction for some forms of neo-paganism and in many ways I would say my overall world view is rather Pantheistic. Anyway, it's getting late here, so I'll wind this up for now. Im hoping some like-minded souls on here will maybe post some responses. I think we can all learn a lot from each other in places like this. In the words of the late, great Dave Allen, 'Goodnight, and may your God go with you' Stephen
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