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Sometimes, It's So Hard To Be Kind!

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Anger can certainly be an expression of kindness when it is in response to an offense, hurt, harm, abuse, toward another. When we see others suffering, for reasons of what some others have done, I think it is appropriate to respond with anger, and that anger comes out of caring for those hurt.

Anger is NOT in itself a "negative" or "bad" emotion, in response to actions or things that cause hurt and harm. Anger is a valuable "e-motion", that may motivate us to act in ways that are positive and good.

"Forgiveness" should not be confused with such things as apathy, unconcern, or any of the other less than "noble" real reasons why sometimes people fail to act against a wrong.



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I don't think emotions can be positive or negative by themselves. What you do with an emotion can be positive or negative though, or perhaps where it comes from can be positive or negative.


This week I have tried to approach this job situation with more optimism and keep my frustrations under control. Right now (this moment, actually) I'm facing a situation that is very disappointing. But you know what? It's my job, not my life. My students are adults, not little kids. We all make our own choices. And as my father likes to say, "Some people need to pee on their own fence."

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Just my own view on anger for consideration since it is mentioned here.


To me anger is " an emotion related to one's psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged or denied and a tendency to undo that by retaliation. Some describe anger as a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation. " (Wiki)


While anger is indeed a normal human emotion, if Love is the pinnacle of a continuum, kindness to me is close at hand and anger is far behind. It seems to me that Love is kind , not angry. Perhaps It is easy to be angry and much harder to be kind. Therefore, it is my view that anger as i have defined cannot be kindness but since this is not the debate area i will leave it as just my own personal view of support for this personal journey or story thread.



Edited by JosephM
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I think anger and love go together. It's so much easier to be angry at someone you love, than a stranger, because we are emotionally invested in them and what they do or don't do. Their little comments hurt more because there is (or should be) love between you, so incidents leave more marks.


Anger can also come from a place of love. I get angry when I see people mistreating other people, out of a love for humankind. I get angry when my brother doesn't apply himself, because out of love for him I want to succeed and do well for himself and for his family.


Anger can spur us to loving action. I think a lot of community and social services (paid or volunteer) come out of a place of anger - the hyperemotional question of "WHY?!" when we see starving people on the streets, or kids being beaten at home.


Is anger or love more powerful? I don't know. I'd like to say love, of course, but anger has a fire to it all to itself, that can be hard to contain.


The Bible of course tells us, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. Love never fails." (1 Corinthians 13:4 - 13:8) NIV. I have always loved this quote, and in truth, when I consider love (in all its forms) it is what I aim for. Unfortunately, it's not always realistic. We can love someone and be rude, or easily-angered. We're human beings. I do feel it is something to strive for.

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