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C. G. Jung And Christianity


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Jung, writing in the nineteen fifties, had great fears for the future of western civilization. He saw the modern scientific mind-set as an honouring of the material world but at the cost of separating us from our history and our inner selves. The resulting loss of soul produces a reverting to tribalism, violence and greed - which is continuing apace.

I was struck by the similar observations by Ilia Delio.


And then with the rise of Scholasticism, when knowledge became an objective question,

we abstracted it then from the experience of things. And that objectification of knowledge did

several things. One: it caused, in some ways, a separation of the elites—the knowers from the

common person, the unlearned person. The second is that the objectification of knowledge left

us spirituality bereft. It left [knowledge] orphaned with no place for the experience of God and

world. So, you can see how theology becomes more objectified, and spirituality more




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Not having been all that with Ilia Delio I did some research. Jung had regular public and private discussions with both Protestant and Catholic theologians of his time.


Delio has excellent accademic credentials and I can see how the two lines of thought converge and reach similar conclusions. Delio has a degree in pharmacology and thus knows a great deal about the human brain.


Where did Jung say we would find his "archetypes"? - "In the structure and function of the brain." Jung's theory of archetypes also assumes that some theory of evolution must be correct.


In addition, a comparison of Jung with Darwin indicates a great deal of similarity in the two lines of thought.


Anyway, I am impressed with Ilia Delio and will read more.



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