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Everything posted by soma

  1. Steve I am like you so think about this all the time. In my mind I feel we all are beings in an ocean of one energy, source, love or pure consciousness and at different times different beings open to it and express it in their actions and thoughts. Some would say the people you see that embody it get it from you.
  2. Joseph you have a point, a lot has to do with culture and insecurity. In many 3rd world countries children are their social security so when they get old, they will be taken care of. Corporations who would rather destroy their food for price control rather than donate it contribute to this insecurity.
  3. Tom, you expressed it well. The source includes all and the echos in the all is not complete so a lot of noise is made by richochette.
  4. Tom I like your attitude, questions will make untruth whither away from the pretense of being right and that may be the answer.
  5. Isn't science about finding the order that sorts out the cause,sequence and structure that brings the tree to us?
  6. I was being tongue in cheek thinking of the people who are cutting money for the elderly, sich and poor are willing to feed their dogs steak every night with their tax breaks. More money is spent hiding our problems then dealing with them head on, but the hope like you said thormas is if people get close to their dogs, they will get closer to everyone else. No one in the world should go hungry, but we don't have the will to feed everyone, we have the resources, but not the compassion.
  7. In my mind, Jesus looked up and saw higher dimensions of consciousness all united in God the Father, the ocean of pure consciousness and then gazed on earth and saw people restrained, locked up inside their personal identity. So with love he set out to open people’s hearts and free their consciousness from our self-imposed limitations. At a low level we just don’t have time for love and unity being caught up with pleasure, desires, requirements and temporary phenomena. For us Christians the presence of Jesus alone expands our consciousness by his being open, accepting; vulnerable and understanding enough to love everyone good or bad so we understand that it is not about being closed minded, afraid and guilty. Christ consciousness was unattached from the form of the body so was able to be ecstatic enough to lay his body down for us, knowing that his consciousness would rise up to the higher states. This act alone is enough to expand our consciousness, compassion, love and unity between people, religions and countries. Love brick by brick takes down the walls we have built around our mind to open it to the state of being in love where we share ourselves with others. Love is with the whole being not with the mind where we proceed to our convictions and way of life; love accepts diverse viewpoints without judgement, nevertheless with peace and affection. True love lets life be perfect in its own way, not how our mind thinks everything should be with mental demands because love from the soul loves things as they are as they flow from the source. Albert Einstein expressed it beautifully, “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest…a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” I feel Christianity needs to resurrect itself and make the ambiance so individuals can resurrect their original self without dogma. I feel if people get a taste of communion, unity then it doesn't matter if Jesus is real, a myth or a combination of both to make a superhero that shows us one of the ways to open up an be who we are.
  8. I noticed dog is in the word God so why not serve animals as God if one is so inclined to do so maybe we will come closer to loving humans in the process. Americans at this point in general treat their dogs better than the sick, elderly and down and out.
  9. Mathew we welcome you, your way of life and your ideas, can't wait to read your post
  10. Tom welcome and salutations to the Divinity within you to follow the mind of Christ and not the herd mentality. I like your ministry and the strength you have to follow through.
  11. tariki you are blessed, I am color blind, but can see those blooms. Living in the desert I appreciate the flowers, after this winter we are getting a desert super bloom.
  12. Thank you tariki, the poems are transformative.
  13. Nice pictures, gives form to thoughts.
  14. Those pictures are like Mandalas that draw you inward, thanks.
  15. Mark salutations to the force within you and your strength to follow it. We don't know where it is taking us but enjoy the awe factor as things appear.
  16. “Remain strong in your faith, as you were in former years. In this faith, in its close-knit unity of our people to-day goes straight forward on its way and no power on earth will avail to stop it.” (Adolf Hitler) A weak person has indecision before the decision of faith while it takes a strong person to doubt after he has chosen a faith because doubt is not opposed to faith it is a building block that makes us stronger. I am a Christian and it is sad that many Christians would choose the statement by Hitler as strength and history has shown that Christians and Germans were manipulated to do horrible things with their superiority complex.
  17. Instituting rules, laws and morality never solves our problems because they rise from the individual, outlaws who are beyond the law because they have different moral values and don't care about the institutional laws. Many people lack moral values and use the system to benefit themselves even if it hurts others. I have seen and experienced this in many countries even in the US where out corruption is protected by laws. We lie ourselves into wars so the Defense Industry can profit from missiles that kill innocent children, women and men, labeled peace makers. Therefore, I say spiritual progress, social change. We have people who are religious abusing people and non religious people that spread kindness and compassion so let many interpretations be applied to the law so we have a variety of ways to think and act on a situation. Yes, if being attack we must defend ourselves and if not everyone appreciates love and kindness. Being in the moment we will do the right thing at the level we are at. Some people will act out physically, some intellectually and some being the love they profess, which I use Jesus as my example. I just hope I have the inner strength to do what is right when the time comes. Spiritual progress, social change.
  18. We don't have to be afraid of anything if we are right with everything, which is God because God is everything.
  19. Artyop, I get what you are saying and I like your enthusiasm, but I like Thomas's advice and I must also remember it too. I feel people who say they have anything are just talking because if you have spiritual gifts one doesn't have to broadcast it because they speak for themselves. I was a teacher and in my class I had three deaf students, they had a translator for sign language and to my surprise they were the best listeners I have ever had. Welcome and speak up, express yourself and this forum will challenge you as they challenge everyone and we all learn to refine our thoughts and expression.
  20. I feel picking up snakes is not literal, but referring to people who are afraid of Satan or anything they feel will dirty their soul, but the soul is not affected by dirty hands because it is beyond the material realm. It seems many Christians are paralyzed because they give too much power to Satan and judgments that they think are against God, which says nothing about the judgments but more about them, their fears, weaknesses and lack of spiritual relationship with the soul. I feel it is saying the spirit or God is the strongest force the collective consciousness that repels any negative unit consciousness so don't be afraid of anything in any realm if you are right with your true self.
  21. Lissy thanks for the introduction. I am glad you are still part of the church because it has to change, grow and expand because if it is not changing that means it is dead. You have a nice way about you that will help Christians evolve from a cult worshiping a personality to a service that helps people discover their love and divinity within.
  22. Lissy, Salutations to the divinity within you. I lived in London in the early 70s and have some fond memories. It was a commune of some pretty lively characters that taught me a lot by just being themselves.
  23. People gave you some great advice. I just have to say you believe in the consciousness of Christ so you can say you are a Christian, but having said that you don't have to say a thing, live the mind of Christ and you don't have to say a word. People who are trying so hard to make others Christian are really trying to convince themselves because they have doubt. You are feeling something enjoy it and the ride and people, your parents will feel the joy, let them enjoy it too.
  24. Still seeking God, Nice name and we are interested where you are at, you can help us in our journey and hopefully we can help you especially because you are from another part of the world and can teach us with a different angle looking at life.
  25. Burl thanks for the link that is so beautiful with clear thought. This pure land moment is beyond time and includes outer space, deep space and inner space; It truly is heaven on earth. Everyone can remove the space, the concept that we are separate from God, the pure land moment so we can experience Divine unity directly, it doesn't matter if we are good or evil because in the moment we are neither. It so vast our mind can’t comprehend it so we Christians have Jesus as an example united with God to help us to become one with a new reality. We see God every day, but are not aware that he is consciousness with us and inside us, but if we “Let thy will be done” as Jesus says and truly believe it, the mind shuts down and divine consciousness in the moment acts through us. It is like stopping the mind from thinking so we can sleep at night, but in mindfulness the mind allows us to witness our thoughts and observe how one thought leads into another until we let go, "Lord let they will be done."
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