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  1. I am a type 6, in enneagram
  2. The works of Anselm have been used by the reformers to support their opinion of the atonement.. The New testament has a background and an intent .. The bacground is the society of the 1st-2nd century, and the intent is to affirm the message of the gospel is for all the human beings.. The author can use metaphoric expressions, and in these times a lot of these expressions were understood as metaphoric.. (For Apostle Peter "The flow is a metaphor for baptism" , and it doesnot relate to the real existence of a flow who would have covered all the earth.. (Has Himalaya been drowned under water ? Is it possible ??) But for the Apostle Peter , The Flow is a Metaphor for Baptism.. We could find more and more metaphors in the New Testament and in the Old) Such writings as litterature, are litterally metaphoric.. Is it good to understand them as from a naturalistic point of view ?? Old and New testament in the firsts century were understood as metaphors.. (see Philo of Alexandriae, Origen) And it couldnot be understood in another way.. The Old Testament had been written/edited after Exile, in order to support some theological opinions.. (We can understand easily how prophecies match, if the scrolls have been composed after - in order to create the massoretic text - And some parts could have been written after.. The value of the Old Testament in the 1st Century is the value people give to the text .. and no more.. Some parts of the New Testament are not valuable as translation of the Old testament .. Isaiah 7 cannot translate "ALMAH" by "PARTHENOS" , if the author of the NT has translated like this it means only he didnot know Hebrew.. So the popular legends, myth and tales have imbibed the authors of the New Testament.. Till the belief in "the virginal birth " appear.. So i think we can compare the making of the belief in "The Virginal Birth" and the making of the belief in Anselm conception of the Atonement.. Several centuries after , Anselm makes his conceptions and this conception is accepted by some people including Reformers.. (Who were not ready - challenging papacy - to challenge this opinion)
  3. Some points have not been answered in fact by people who support the "theory of the human sacrifice".. Anybody can support the theory of Anselm of Canterbury (he has been the first to support the theory of the "human sacrifice") But he has to accept the consequences : - The image of God bult from this theological construction is a contradictory god - with an unethical behaviour.. Accepting an human sacrifice what is else ? - prescribing human sacrifice for the atonement of the sin , when the opposite is asserted in the Torah, in the Jew people - the concept of a human sacrifice to redeem the sins of all men, is opposite to some teachings aa Ezechiel "The sinning soul will die".. The verse of Hosea 6 relates to the Exile times when there were no bleeding sacrifices at all, and the Covenant has been kept.. (without bleeding sacrifice..) Evangelicals must accept the consequences of their theology, either change it in order to improve it..
  4. I try to post regularly, but english is not my native language so i need time and i can make some mistakes..
  5. Yes they are - but remember one fact - I am in Europe, and when I talk about Baptist or Conservative , i talk about Conservative denomination in Europe.. We have left 20 years ago the "Left Behind Theology", I remember the issues of the "Left behind " theology have been disputed 20 years ago.. And now anybody can grow his own opinion in plurality.. The choice is open , some books (in french - in don't know the equivalents in english) show side by side all the point of views about the "end of times questions".. They include - "The left behind theology " (aka Premil- Dispensationalism) - Historical Premil (Iraeneus of Lyon - early fathers) - Amil position (The position or the Reformers) - Post Mil position (Not a lot of representation - may be in the Restoration movement..) Most of the evangelical conservatives unions are a-mil (now) in fact they relate to the reformers tradition.. The" Left behind " theology has been discarded with good exegetical arguments..(and hot debates) A joke , a good friend of mine (English) was applying for an American organization .. They have asked him : - "Are you Pre-mil or amil ?" and he has answered "I am British"
  6. This post has a great interest, have you noticed, the people involved were British , for my own I have been taught with the fundamentalist point of view , and after studying greek, and exegetical arguments I have changed my mind to conditionalism.. And my Conservative Baptist denomination has not expelled me, as member of the Evangelical Alliance they consider both opinions can be supported.. In fact , Conservative Baptists in Europe think both opinions can be supported, there is a real difference between denomination .. The same denomination can support different view on this point, depending on the place they are located.. The founders of the church have been imbibed by the doctrine of immortality of the soul, but this argument is not asserted in the Bible,neiter in the Old Testament, neither in the New Testament.. And the opposite is affirmed clearly : (1 Tim 6:16) So immortality is not a part of the nature of man , immortality has been brought by christ (2 Tim 1:9-10) . The central problem of man is death , even in Eden the death was existing, in order to support the life, the human beings need the relation to God, in the christian perspective this relation is restored by the Apokastasis (the restoration of all the things, includint life and resurrection) Conditionalist can challenge the old assertions and fundamentalist views with good basis.. The question of Gehenna ? Gehinom was a special place near Jerusalem were the rubbish of the cities were burned .. A place of destruction , the idea Jesus wants to show, is - as he has revealed God, the place for opponents or so called "wicked" is a place for destruction, a similae place, ..) Centuries of centuries .. Aion - Aioniom in Greek , it doesnot mean eternity , but relates to a long time.. Supporting the fundamentalist assertion of Everlasting Torment in the Biblical Frame need to support the idea : - humans are mortal, even the soul - so to punish them with an everlasting torment, God has to raise them, again and again for them to suffer again and again.. An eternity of work to raise people to life .. Doctrine of the Everlasting Torment - in my opinion - is an insult to the majesty of the God Jesus Christ has revealed.. Jesus Christ has not revealed a God who whould be "The Sadistic Torturer of the centuries"
  7. I agree with this ,my union of churches is conservative , and the programs do cover the safe sex matter and STD prevention , basically , a church cannot do less than the educational program do in high school. Should I suggest there are more and more young people in conservative churches than in liberal churches.. Basically liberal churches are seen as "growing older and older" while conservative renew their members (picking young people from other churches for example..) The same problem met by mainstream denominational churches, challenged by evangelical or fundamentalist group .. Why do you go to the "evangelical " church ? Because the music is good and i dislike the incense fragrance ..
  8. I do regret you have this picture, the Christian Right cannot be "the voice of christianity" for some reasons.. Basically, in Europe and America we have common roots , we have had to deal with the same problems , persecution of non-conformists was one.. All the european middle ages is rooted in the notion of "christianity", a mix beween civil religion and christian religion.. Early , in 18th centuries , Baptists , (and Mennonites) have challenged this view, churches and religion must be separate from the government.. Separation of Church and State, in order to protect the churches and the believers from the influence of the government (state religion), or to protect the citizens from the influence of an all-powerful religion group.. Christianity, in its european sub-modalities, has supported separation of Church and State , even if some people are more conservative, or more liberal, or social-democrats , or ecologist.. In order to protect the civil liberties, european evangelicals christians (baptists, methodists, free churches) have no nostalgy thinking to the middle-ages.. And all the times they have been persecuted by the "christian " politically admitted religion.. In 380 AD Emperor Theodosius has produced a decree ("Christianity had to be the sole religion of the Empire"), The results have been, persecution of heathens, persecution of reformers, so much problems.. Leading people to leave their country to have a new life.. Laicity, the word comes from "laos" (the people) , and the church is not "laos", the church in greek is "ekklesia" - those who are called outside.. For what reason , i could suggest "to be an example " , in compassion, in social justice..
  9. As my Professaors of Bible were saying, a text , without a context , is only a pretext.. The whole text is about the acceptance of humanity, The Assertion "God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement" don't relate to the world of the OT Killing Calf and burning it Lev 9 . A priest has to sacrifice the victim - Lev 14 The offering has to be burnt (and Jesus has not been burnt) Lev 16 According to the other laws - given by God - too - the sacrifice of Jesus Christ cannot be accepted ( Mankind is not a kind to be sacrificized, Jesus died by asphyxiation, ) And the necessity for sacrifices had always be removed in the OT , if see Oseah 6:6.. No real problems happened during the 70years exile in Babylon, and the post-babylonian community had started to accept this idea.. So the basis to understand "Jesus is a sacrifice for atonement" is inexistant, no exegetical basis found in the OT.. The way Jesus Saves is another problem .. Basically - apart from the theory of the sacrifice (St Anselm Of Canterbury produced it, but it is not the only one .. more theories have been produced..) The theory of the ransom (Origen) Christ has paid the ransom of humanity to Satan The theory of Abelard "Once raised , the Christ will attract all the men to him" And the global conception of Auler "Christus Victor" If we want to keep the explanation given by Apostle Paul, we have to understand he was using a metaphor, a common style used in these times by many Jews writers (cf Philo) We have a lot of explanations based on the Bible..
  10. The solution can be found easily, the UNO protects human rights and the declaration of human rights has some article about marriage. Article 12 and article 16 protects people . Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. A marriage contracted in Holland or in France is protected by international laws , even on the territory of USA.. And the cases can be submitted to the "International Court of Human Rights "In LaHaye.. Marriage can contracted in Canada or Europe, the Government of a State, if this state wants to stay in UNO, under rules, protection and legitimacy must have these rules inforced.. International Court of LaHaye has sentenced people like Milosevic (Serbian dictator), Bogdan Bogdanovitch.. There is a good judicial basis for gay marriage , contracted in other countries , be recognized.;
  11. Oak


    Absolutely, all people have infinite worth since they were created in the image of God. The Church should not be discriminating against individuals, since the Church is a community of sinners who have themselves been forgiven. However, a distinction should be made between the individual and their behavior, and I wouldn't classify sexual orientation as an "irrelevant factor". Not because evangelicals are bigots or homophobes, but because of the clear teaching of Scripture: Paul made several references to the subject, and Jesus Himself affirmed the sacred union of a man and a woman when he quoted Genesis concerning Adam and Eve. Yes Paul has made references to the subject , a part of theses reference - Romans : Talk about believers wo leave monotheism to enter in fertility cults, these fertility cults were including sexuality - Corinthians : He talks agains rapes and abductions , so from the original text , we see that rape, abductions and prostitution are condemned vy the scriptures (I have learned this in my Biblical Institute - Evangelical) and there is a good discussion on this point, the biblical stance here http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibl.htm Romans http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibc.htm Corinthians http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibc1.htm From matthew 8, we can see Jesus has helped an homosexual No problem with this, this argument relates to the sacred character of the union of a mana and a woman.. The sexual orientation of people exist and , cannot be changed , if people have same-sex attraction, of other-sex attraction, or both they have to be responsible.. But it is not an effect of their own choice.. The NIV has accepted these results (about rape and abduction), so the scripture is clear, and we have at last a verse against rapes and sexual abuses.. Of course - the authority of the scripture, in their original language, in the context of their civilization.. For theses times it was the meaning , but from now where is the actualization for the scriptures we have to do ? The concept of homosexuality in the civilization of the first century, is not the same concept we have today..
  12. Oak


    Yes, but he only accepted the humble and those who knew that they needed redemption. He criticized the self-righteousness of the religious leaders. You mentioned the prostitute... When Jesus saved her from being stoned to death, He did not say, "I affirm your sexual promiscuity." He said, "Go, and sin no more." He did not turn a blind eye to sin, but accepted sinners who knew that they needed forgiveness. From a strict point of view all humanity needs redemption, Usually we say ancient sacred text need actualization, and I am not sure at all the word homosexuality used in the OT and in the NT relates to the same reality we have today.. 1- Homosexuality in the OT, relates to idolatry in Israel, sacred prostitution, 2 - In the OT the crime of Sodom is to be hard to the poor Crime of sodoms (according to Ezekiel) 49 " 'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. In the NT, according to the best interpereters , the words used by Paul relates to man abduction, homosexual rape and prostitution.. (In the pastoral Epistles) And in Romans it relates to believers (monotheistics !) who go and participate to sexual rituals of fecundity .. This is not the actual reality, there is no temple with rituals of fecundity .. And the crimes against poor and needy are still performed.. We can say abduction, rape and prostitution cannot be admitted , - the sin of prostitution is a sin commited by the pimps (and the customers) and not by the prostitute.. - the sin of rape is a crime committed by the raper and not by the victims.. The reality is not the same, in the society of the NT and now, we have an ethical attitude to grow.. Each people has to live with love, acceptance and dignity, his relations, the relation with fellow believers must be kept, and the Church has not to add sufferings to the sufferings people live. When the LAW was saying "lapidate them", Jesus has said "The Son of the Man is the mater of the law".. And he has transmitted this responsability to Peter. To Bind and to Loose , are the way we have to behave, for the propagation of the gospel .. It relates to ethics - We know that (apart for Bi-sexuality where people have a "real" choice, homosexuals don't change their attirance, just like heterosexuals do..) We have an ethical choice to do : 1- Applying the concervative interpretation of law and say to homosexuals "you are rejected, you will go to hell, there is no place for you with the fellow believers in Jesus Christ" 2- Or affirm the Gospel is for all people who need redemption and it includes,white, asian, blacks, women and men, homosexuals and heterosexuals.. We are not perfect, just acting to grow.. Excerpt from the UCC , Declaration We commit ourselves to caring and concern for lesbian, gay and bisexual sisters and brothers by affirming that:
  13. I think the confusion ha grown , the death on the cross was real, in fact this point has been shown (just alike tens of thousands of jews who have been crucified by romans..) The crucifixion of Jesus is not a single event , but quite a common way to kill rebels.. Can jesus be "the lamb of the sacrifice " ? According to the Old Testament : Man is not a kind to be sacrificied According to the Gospel he died asphyxiated , the ritual of sacrifice of the OT included e bleeding sacrifice So there are at least three problems.. 1- Asphyxiate / vs Bleeding 2- Mankind is not agreed as a kind to be sacrificed for atonement (the most important because it relates to ethics) And 3 - The early authors of the New Testament relates "he is the Lamb of God".. The "He is " relates to the way they see him , and not to a naturalistic reality, even we could think that pious jews or proselytes would have neve agreed with this idea.. So the meaning "a sacrifice for atonement" is a metaphor they have used , for them "he is the Lamb of God" and they profess this truth.. The authors talk about their personal meeting with Jesus. Bodily resurrection is claimed by the first writers, and this meeting after Jesus Death has changed their life.
  14. Oak


    From the works of the Psychatrist JG Sinford http://jgford.homestead.com/ Reparative Therapy is a pseudo science.. And don't change anything, there is a proof in the ex-gay christian ministries.. Some promoting these ministries..have been going on homosexuality.. Without any solution apart from guilt.. Their orientation had not been changed at all, human beings are quite complex, people can be attracted by the opposite sex, attracted by the same sex, attracted by both or attracted by none .. Someone who is potentially "attracted by both" can change , it relates to his/her identity and the meanig of their life.. So "Miracles" can happen.. Jesus Christ was subversive he has accepted women (despised), romans (hated), tax collectors (scorned), prostitute , and this inclusive attitude had a cost.. Being inclusive.. Religious people of the time has reproached him his attitude.. I am concerned by this question for some reasons: I am straight, and have an action as counsellor, and I hate hypocrisy , after years of private practice in churches..
  15. From the strict point of view of the Torah, the sacrificial law, an human sacrifice has never been prescribed by God.. The list of the species to sacrificize is quoted, human beings don't belong to this list.. During 70 Years , a Gap has appeared in the sacrificial system (During the Deportation in Babylone) and , prophets like Hosea have expressed the idea that the sacrifices were no more useful.. God has kept the convenant in Babylon, without any sacrificial system.. Affirming litterally "The cross is a sacrifice of atonement" is in contradiction with scriptures.. There is a real problem of interpretation, for my own I could suggest the authors of the New Testaments, relating the traditions of the Early Church use a metaphoric language.. Metaphoric language was very common in the Jewish litterature.. Jesus has spoken in "parables" (Metaphors) and all the authors of the New Testaments use metaphors.. Metaphors of the NT (some) - The flood is a metaphor of the baptism (Peter) - The marriage of Abraham with Agar and Sara are an image of the Old Convenant and of the New Covenant - Jesus "The Lamb of God" ( John) .. Metaphors and Parables are known to be poweful instruments of change, when applied to life..
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